Part 1

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Maya Hart did not excel in many areas. She was a talented artist but, unfortunately, those talents didn't translate well to her art class grades. One thing she was good at was being a good friend and loyalty was something she valued over anything. So naturally that evening she visited the Matthew's apartment with a heavy heart.

"Riley, I'm so sorry." She sat down on the sacred window seat.

Riley sat next to her and asked "What is it?" Already bracing herself for whatever Maya was about to say.

"I never meant for this to happen, it just did. Oh God Riley, I never meant to hurt you." Maya put her head in her hands

"Maya please, tell me what happened. You're scaring me." She put a hand on Maya's arm and the blond looked up at her. No matter what happened their friendship was safe in the window seat.

Maya took a deep breath. "I kissed Lucas." Only the sounds of the city that never sleeps outside of the window could be heard. "Riley, please, say something." The silence was killing her.


"School got out an hour ago Ranger Rick. Shouldn't you have hopped along home by now?" Maya said when she saw Lucas walk down the hall. He turned around to face her. Even after living in New York over two years Maya never allowed Lucas to forget his Texas roots. Looking at him now she always forgot how beautiful he was. She tried not to think about it. She and Lucas were friends, the best of friends. After being in almost all the same classes for two years it was hard not to be. Yet they were finally in high school now and she saw less of her little group then she ever did in middle school.

"I had detention." He said flatly.

"Did Zay run his mouth again? We really need to get him a leash." It was a new school, and with that new people for Zay to piss off who didn't know Lucas' reputation.

He laughed humorlessly. He was always in a bad mood for a few days after getting Zay or Farkle out of a sketchy situation. Maya went to put her arm through his so they could walk to the subway together. "Sorry I'm covered in paint." She had been working late on a project for her advanced art class. It was normally a class only opened to juniors and seniors but Maya had talked the teacher into letting her enroll in the class. It was turning out to be more work then she had originally expected.

"It's okay, funny I didn't see you in detention. Has Miss Hart finally been reformed from her criminal ways?"

She laughed "Bite me."

"Fine." He said walking towards her. Flirty banter had always been commonplace between them, but there was something different in his eyes. There had been since school started that fall. She took a step back.

"I'm not joking."

"I'm not either." Her back hit the locker.

"Okay." She said her brave front wavering.

"Okay, I'll do it." He said nervously.

"Do it." She wasn't exactly sure what he intended to do.

He leaned towards her slowly, both because of his nerves but also giving her plenty of time to push him away or protest. Yet this was Maya Hart and she never backed down from a challenge.

His lips touched hers and it was like the whole world stopped. She responded hesitantly and he grazed her bottom lip with his teeth before breaking the kiss. It was over too soon she thought before burying the thought.

They stared at each other for a moment shocked at what had just happened.

"Wow Lucas I didn't know you had it in you." She said, her voice shaking.

He cleared his throat. "Uh yeah."

"We should probably go." He nodded and the two walked to the subway in silence. The subway ride was the most uncomfortable than she had ever experienced. Even more awkward than the time she saw Josh on a train just days after she had confessed that she liked him.

Normally there was another person to act as a buffer between her and Josh but Riley or any of his friends were nowhere to be seen. The car was empty enough that it would have felt more awkward to pretend they didn't see each other. So instead she sat down next to him like she hadn't had her heart walked all over. At this moment she would have welcomed the stunted one word sentences she shared with Josh to the silence Lucas was giving her.

Did this mean he liked her? Were they supposed to go out? She knew that people usually talked about it when things like this happened. What did they even talk about? What did they talk about before all this happened? She was soon saved by Lucas giving her a short goodbye and leaving the train two stops before he normally got off.

Instead of going home she walked through the Matthews' living room to Riley's room. She didn't even need to knock anymore. That's how much the Matthews family trusted her, how much Riley trusted her. She walked into Riley's room when she lay on her bed. Her Biology book lay out in front of her.

"Riley I need to talk to you." Maya said, she sat down in the windowsill.

Riley came to sit next to her. "What's wrong?"

Maya took a deep breath and told her friend what had happened on the way home from school. Riley didn't speak for a long time. When she finally did all that came out was a simple.


"Okay, is that a good okay or a bad okay?"

"It's an okay, okay."

"Are you mad at me?"

Riley took a deep breath. "Maya, Lucas is free to kiss whoever he wants to and you are too. I mean I always thought that maybe someday Lucas and I would..." She trailed off, shaking her head and her dreams away. "That didn't happen."

They sat next to each other awkwardly until "Do you want to do something?" Maya asked.

"Um, I have a lot of homework to do tonight."

"Alright, we're still walking to school tomorrow right?"

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow."

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