Part 2

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"Farkle, do guys like me?" Riley asked sitting on the stairwell outside of the band room.

"Well, I like you Riley. I always have." Riley smiled at her friend.

"You know what I mean. Other guys, guys like-"

"Lucas?" He shot her a knowing look. She raised an eyebrow at him before nodding.

"I know that if it was going to happen it would happen by now." She sighed.

"But you still wish he liked you." They had this conversation many times over the years, ever since Riley and Lucas broke up from their 4 hour relationship. "He was your first crush. You never really get over that." Farkle knew there was next to no chance he would ever be with Riley but it didn't stop him from having feelings for her. They sat in silence, Farkle knew there was something up but he never pushed her into talking unless she wanted to.

"Lucas kissed Maya." She blurted.

"What?! When?"

"Yesterday after school. She told me the whole thing. They were just joking then he kissed her."

"So are they like together?"

"I don't know, the way Maya talked about it I don't think they are. She feels pretty bad."

"Are you mad at her?"

"No, yes, I don't know. I have no right to tell her she can't date him if she wants to, but it doesn't stop me from wishing she didn't." Farkle wrapped his arms around her in a hug which she returned. When she let go she asked "What does Maya have that I don't?"

"Other than the obvious?"

"She always seems to have guys liking her and asking her out. I haven't been asked out since middle school."

Farkle could have pointed out that middle school was only about two months ago but instead he said. "Well Maya does seem more mature than you."

"I'm not immature."

"I didn't mean it that way, she just seems older that's all. I mean Lucas is a year older than all of us maybe that's what it is. Riley I wouldn't worry about it. In a couple of weeks everything will go back to normal."

"Thanks Farkle." Riley said getting up to go to her locker."

"Anytime, see you at lunch?"

"Yeah see you." Riley thought about what Farkle said and considered his advice. She could do nothing and everything would go back to the way it was. Yet Riley didn't want things to go back to the way they were.


It was easy to see that Maya Hart was irritated. She was irritated at her mother for waking her up at 5am so Maya could remind once again what time Maya's art show was that her mother would still forget about. She was irritated at Riley for not being at her apartment when Maya went to pick her up for school that morning. She was annoyed at herself for not being able to get a certain cowboy off of her mind. Yet mostly she was annoyed at that cowboy for having the audacity to wish her a good morning.

Students parted the way for Maya to blow past him to get to her locker. "Not today Lucas, I don't have time to deal with you."

He was taken a back. She didn't even have the good humor to use one of her various nicknames. "Maya come on, don't be like that. I'm sorry."

"You think I'm mad about that?" She slammed her locker and turned to face him. "I'm in a bad mood because my mom has no concept of time, my best friend made me go 20 minutes out of my way for nothing, and I dropped my bagel on the way to school."

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