PART 1: The Prologue (GaLe)

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*A/N: Has been edited. I hope you all like it!*

Levy's POV

Ugh... Why would that happen? One moment they're happy, the next... I guess that's why they call it a plot twist... ugh... Hate plot twists sometimes...

Banging my head lightly on the old, worn out library table, I was resting against, I slid the book across the empty table until it teetered along the edge, on the very verge of slipped off. Resting my head upon my hands, I tried to fight the urge to lean over and pluck the book up from certain doom... which didn't work. Reaching over, I snatched the book up, my toes curling in excitement as my fingers itched to turn the pages and my eyes roamed the words in endless longing, my bottom lip enduring the pain from my excitement as my teeth dug in with each suspenseful moment.

The man lay gasping on the ground, begging for mercy as the faceless, cloaked creature made its way towards him. He was clutching onto the stomp of his former leg, his clothes still splattered with the blood of his young daughter. Forcing himself to move, to –

"Heyo! Wha'cha doing Shrimp?" An uncommonly loud voice, for a library that is, had me jumping from my seat, bruising my hip as I hit the ground. I was already seeking my next victim when he fell on the floor beside me, hands over his stomach and face red as he tried to breathe around his laughter.

"Gajeel!" I hissed at him, picking the book up gently from where it had landed face down beside me. "I was just getting to the good part!"

"I... know!" Still clutching his sides, I watched as he tried to hone in his breathing but seemed to fail desperately, causing my face to turn a bright red, growing brighter with each passing minute. Hitting him on the head which, of course, only made him laugh harder, I returned to my seat and set my book back up however I had lost the thrill and excitement. I'd have to reread the scene again. "So, what'cha reading Shrimp?" Grabbing my book from within my grasp before I could mutter a venomous 'have you ever heard of none of your business?' and he cleared his throat to begin reading aloud.

"Give it back, Gajeel!" Our difference in height made it difficult to even try to grab my book from his grasp.

"Why? Don't want me seeing ya reading another one of your romances again?" My face went beet red and I ducked my head beneath my hands, trying to hide from the embarrassment of the moment.


His hand curled around her neck delicately as he slowly leaned in, teasing her skin with a gentle hand upon her thigh. Pressing a light kiss to the tender skin of her skin, he practically felt her shiver with desire. Her hands pulled him closer, exploring the skin beneath his clothes and his lips, teeth and tongue explored hers. She –

"You don't have ta read those books to know what it's like. I'm happy to give ya a tutorial anytime ya like." His voice pulled me from the daydream of my... book. He was leaning past, his eyes scanning the words. I couldn't shut the book fast enough as my face flamed.


"You know what, Shrimp? I'm beginning to like your taste in books!" My face shot up from hands as I witnessed him take my seat, lift his feet up to rest on my table and open my book at the beginning, losing my page. The rage churned inside of me was shocking but not at all unwelcome, and he flicked the switch of the release button with a single question. "Something ya want, Shrimp?"

"Gajeel. That is my chair. That is my table. That is my book. AND I HAVE NOT FINISHED IT, YOU BLEEDING IMBECILE!" My voice echoed in the emptiness of the library, as I took my book back, seeing red. I was too enraged to notice that I had placed its life in danger when I began to hit the baka over and over again.

"Ca-calm d-down, Shrimp," Tripping over his feet, he held his hands up as a sign of peace as he tried to escape my well justified anger. Taking a single step closer forced him to bolt. Shoving my novel carefully into my bag, I began the chase, calling upon my magic.

"SOLID SCRIPT: MUD!" He slipped and slid across the cobble stones, staining his clothes but he didn't seem to notice as his mind was only focused upon escape.

"SOLID SCRIPT: WATER!" Barely dodging my attack, he made it to the front of the guild, slamming open the doors in a panic. I could hear my guilds panicked yells but I was on a mission of revenge.

"SOLID SCRIPT: FIRE!" I hit him right in the back and he went down yelping, rolling to put the fire out.

"SOLID SCRIPT: ROCK SLAB!" With a demeaning thump, he was practically crushed and I closed my eyes, counting to 10 with slow, deep breathes. I noticed the silence of the guild, minus the idiot to the right of me who was cheering like mad. With a single glare, Natsu turned white with fear and slowly slid backwards.

"What's wrong, Levy-Chan?" Lucy skipped over to me, not seeming to worry about the current state of Gajeel.

"He... He-" I choked slightly and Lu-Chan ran over to me, pulling me into a comforting hug as the guild stared suspiciously at the injured form of the iron dragon.

"It's alright, deep breaths. Deep breaths." She helped me to relax and I managed to utter his crimes.

"He took my book from me in the middle of a plot twist." I didn't even have to continue as I could already read the horror on her face. She congratulated me quickly, for taking him down and showing him a thing or two.

"I'm sorry, Shrimp! If I knew-" Gray threw a hand over his mouth as Levy sent a death glare his way. I could hear him mutter under his breath to the idiot and I could only assume that he was warning Gajeel not to speak unless he wanted to lose round two as well.

Ordering a blueberry muffin and honey smoothie to go, I waited patiently and noted politely to Mira-San who looked sad for some reason though, if I knew her well enough, that usually meant something happened with her shippings. Sipping on my absolutely delicious smoothie, my mind was already on my book and the apology I would need to give to the Librarian.

Gajeel's POV

I watched as she practically raced out of the guild, focused on her muffin and, most likely, the prospect of a good ending to a book which had me chuckling at the thought, despite the pain it brought due to the damage to my ribs.

"She sure is tough!" I whistled through my teeth as Mini Blue checked out the burns on my arms and upper back.

"You probably shouldn't have taken her book, Gajeel-San." Why was she getting the sympathy? I had just been beaten up! "All done!"

"Thanks, Mini Blue!" I stretched arms, feeling nearly as good as new. Patting her on the head, I ignored her scowl and made my way over to Bunny Girl.

"Where'd Shrimp go?" That had her chuckling to herself and I warily took a step back before raising an eyebrow in a questioning way.

"Off to finish her book, of course, you dolt!" I rolled my eyes, already having guessed the answer and went to go find some good iron to chew however I was stopped at the sound of my name. "She'll probably have already forgiven you by tomorrow!" I chuckled to myself, already knowing why. She would get so lost in her books, she would forget that I had even made her made her mad. That was one of the things I lo- ... liked about her. I was glad. I didn't know how long I could go without her laugh, her little scrunched up nose when she concentrated, her hands flapping in the air when she was excited...

I sounded like a lo-... a like-sick fool? Ugh, I needed my iron.

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