PART 2: The Prologue (NaLu)

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*A/N: Has been edited! Please enjoy!*

Lucy's POV

Everything was so... quiet in the guild. It was so unnatural. At the very least, Gray should me subconsciously stripping or Natsu should be trying to drag me along on a job or they should be fighting. But... Natsu was nowhere in sight and Gray appeared to be wallowing in self-pity in only his boxers, lying in the middle of the floor. The only thing normal about it was Juvia in the hiding behind a pillar, sketching his body in a far more suggestive manner with a little less clothing.

Sighing at the lack of excitement, I shrugged my coat on and bid good day to Mira-San who seemed to be cleaning the counter for the third time since I had first received my Strawberry milkshake. Heading home, I knew it was time to begin work on the next chapter of my book. It had to be something exciting... It was the 11th chapter. It had to be good? Maybe a kidnapping? An execution? An underground mole biting a spider... OR I could stick with the theme of my book. I shook the ridiculous ideas out of my head and decided that Jamie would be taken hostage and that Lewis would burst in to save the day.

Unlocking my door, I slung my coat over the back of my study chair before heading into the kitchen to heat up the kettle and scrounge some food from somewhere. If Natsu and Happy didn't eat all of it all the time, I wouldn't have such a difficult time of it. The slight rustling of my bed informed me of Natsu's company and, bringing my tea and snack with me, I went to tell him off for napping on my bed again however... the words died in my throat.

You know those moments when there's a guy lying on your bed and his chest in fully exposed? When he has a pack of abs that make you not want to look away? Me too. My heart stuttered in my chest as my eyes travelled across his exposed skin and straying to his not so exposed skin. I set the tea down, my shaking hands making it difficult to hold the hot mug.

"Luce, what's up with the weird face your making?" I think I died. Was I breathing? I didn't know! Ask a freaking doctor! I don't think I'm qualified enough to deal with this type of situation. My eyes slowly met Natsu's who appeared to have just woken. I swallowed my note of appreciation at the deep set of his voice. Baka.

"Nothing!" I tried to say my usual line of 'get out' and 'you're not sleeping on my bed' but they seemed lodged in my throat. His head tilted slightly, his expression obviously confused which worked only to further my embarrassment, lighting the blood beneath my face.

"You sure? You don't look so good." Right. Because that's what every girl wants to hear... my sarcastic thoughts died as he jumped up from the mattress and crossed the room to press the back of his hand upon my forehead. "You feel a little cold."

"I am normal temperature, Natsu! You're just extremely hot!" I attempted to snarl at him but my eyes widened commercially at the words that had slipped my lips. I swallowed awkwardly as I waited for his reply but he just smiled and nodded his head in agreement which... was kind of disappointing but at the same time relieving?

"I am, aren't I?"

"ANYWAY," Clearing my throat, "What are you here for Natsu?" My cheeks wouldn't cool! They refused to be anything my pink! Damn them! This was not the time to ran amok and refuse to follow orders!

"Food. Duh." He titled his head and laughed as though I had actually said something funny. Maybe I had? My heart warmed at the thought and I refused to let him see the smile that was trying to take over my expression.

"Too bad. I don't have any left. Maybe, if you –"


"Lu-Chan!" Levy had burst through my accidentally unlocked door but came to a skidding stop as she took in the colour of my face and Natsu's proximity to me as he had yet to move from checking my temperature. "Maybe I should come back later?" She made to leave but I hurried over to grasp her arms, making her stay. The awkward tension between Natsu and I had been making me feel weird but he seemed to be acting normal.

"WE WERE JUST TALKING!" I accidentally shouted, causing both Levy-Chan and Natsu to jump slightly and I coughed awkwardly while they stared at me, their concern making my face a deep red.

"Take care of Luce, Levy. She looks sick. I'll be back later." Hopping out the window, Natsu disappeared and Levy-Chan already looked as though she were ready to interrogate the life out of me.

Natsu's POV

I don't what was going on with Luce. One minute she was fine and the next, there was something about her eyes. I don't know what it was but it was nice. Like food. Her face when she was close to me... All I wanted to do was lean in and... I don't know.

There was something about Luce that was different. She wasn't just Luce. Not that she ever was really but something had changed. I didn't know when but I didn't mind. If I could compare her to food, then she must be nice. Plus, she smelt delicious as well, just like food.

All this thinking about food was making my stomach grumble and headed over to the guild, the memory of Luce's eyes keeping me company along the way. I'd figure it out later when I was staying tonight.

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