Chapter 1 - In the beginning - Gale

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Levy's POV

Oh that book was so good! I can't believe it had to end that way!

I slammed down the book and the table and tried to wipe the tears out my eyes but they stayed ever present. Suddenly I felt my chin being lifted up and my tears being wiped away by a rough yet soft hand.

"What's wrong Levy? Who hurt you? Are you okay?" Gajeel was standing in front of me and true concern was written across his face. My face went bright red and I pulled away from him and slumped into one of the chairs.

"N-na-Nathan Di-died!" I burst into tears at the thought. He immediately came over and started rubbing my back and mum merino soothing words though they were tainted by something. I glanced at his through the tears in my eyes and to be honest, he looked kind of angry.

"Ah . . . Shrimp?"

"What Gajeel?"

"Whose . . . Nathan?" We both winced at the sound of his name though it seemed to be for different reasons.

"The hero in my book!" My heart literally ached for the fallen hero, loved by so many.

"Hang on . . . Nathan is a character in your book?" I nodded, wondering how did he not know that in the first place? He duffle burst out in laughter and I jumped back in shock.

"It's not funny! I strongly dislike you!" I was going to storm away but a muscled arm caught me and I fell into Gajeel's chest.

"You don't really mean that, do you Levy?" His eyes were wide and he looked as though his heart was breaking. What the hell was up with these mood swings?! I sighed and looked away from him. He reminded me so much of Nathan . . . Or was it the other way around?

"No, I don't hate you Gajeel," his eyes brightened and whooped out loud. "However . . ." He paused and looked at me as though waiting for the death sentence, "I want a blueberry smoothie so you have to pay!" He laughed aloud in relief. What was wrong with Gajeel?! This was the most I have ever heard him laugh in the amount of time I had known him except for the occasional 'Gihi'.

"C'mon, Shrimp!" He took my hand and led the way to the guild with me In tow and blushing furiously.

"I am NOT short!" I was trying to cover with anger but he could see right through it. He laughed once again. He was acting . . . Happy?

Gajeel's POV

I made my way through to the Library, knowing that Shrimp would be there. I don't know why but she had been on my mind all day and I just couldn't get her out. Something made me want to see her so bad, to hold her in my arms, to laugh at all her jokes, to just be near her.

I snuck up on her as she slammed a book down on the table and I jumped slightly. When did she even think about injuring a book in the slightest way? I had just made my around her when I saw her face. Tears were spilling from my eyes and my hear immediately split in two. I raced over to her and gently lifted her chin up, ignoring the tingles and shock waves that formed from the connection of our skin, and gently wiped away the tears that had spilt from her eyes.

"What's wrong Levy? Who hurt you? Are you okay?" The words sprung from my mouth without a second thought and I had to stop myself from reaching forward and -

"N-na-Nathan Di-died!" Jealousy flooded through my brain as I registered this but I pushed it back so I could take care of Levy. I wasn't going to but I just had to ask.

"Ah . . . Shrimp?" Was it her boyfriend I didn't know about? No, she is far too innocent for that. But what if she isn't? But she can't have. Why not? I would have heard about from Mira. But what if she was hiding because she knew you liked her and she didn't want to get you mad and upset about it.

"What Gajeel?"

"Whose . . . Nathan?" The name sounded sour coming through my mouth and winced at it.

"The hero in my book!" Relief flooded through me. She said book right?

"Hang on," I just had to check, "Nathan is a character in you book?" She nodded her head stiffly and I burst out laughing, mainly from happiness that she was all mine but really because she was crying over some dead guy in a book! Priceless!

"It's not funny! I hate you!" Her words cut me to the bone and I instantly stopped laughing and grabbed her by the waist as she tried to run off.

"You don't really hate me, do you Levy?" I felt as though my very soul as breaking as those words sunk in. It was like a void was sucking the life out of me by the second.

"No, I don't really hate you," I let out the breath I didn't know I had been holding and whopped in joy. "However," I waited for something that would bring me tearing down like her words before but they never came, instead, "I want a blueberry smoothie so you have to pay!" I was fine with that, as long as Levy was safe and with me, I was fine with everything.

"C'mon Shrimp!" I grabbed her hand without a thought and nearly skipped my way to the guild. As we made or way to the guild I heard her shout from behind me, "I am NOT short!" Laughing we made our way inside.

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