Part one- Hidding

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I'm Laney Penn Grojband's bassist and praticly manager. I love this band to death my best friends are all in it including my crush,Corey Riffin what isn't there to love. Well actually there is something to not love many things really. Corey is always surrounded by girls and now that we have saved the world there is even more, it's torture seeing the guy you love flirting with other girls and not even considering you a girl just a bro.I don't have any rep everyone just sees me as the bassist nothing else if I died tomorrow only the band and my family would notice. It really sucks being considered "one of the dudes" especially in my situation I'm sure you all think me not being noticed by Corey is my situation but no it's not. It's something that hurts a lot more. Right now me and the dudes are in the cafeteria for lunch and of course I'm on the side lines while Corey is being cool and the twins do their own thing. I look across the cafiteria to see the only other person in my situation; him, Larry Nepp. He is considered "one of the girls" do to him being in the all girl band the Newmans and just like me he is in love with the blue haired leader who is cooler than him. Me and him are going through the same thing in more than one way. Our love going unnoticed and the everyday pain of lieing about who we are in more than one way one being well he is my brother or well twin to be exact. Our parents were enganged when they had us and havnt been able to marry do to lack of time because of raising us but now that we are 13 they plan on getting married in a month. The second thing being our parents want us to come clean to our friends about our 3 secrets (not including our crush secrets) the secrets being well us being twins and well the two secrets we have been keeping from them for as long as we have known. Ok so I will let you know one of the major secrets which is weeeeeellll......Our sexuality we arnt gay ok we like the opposite  gender ok, don't go jumping to conclusions we are both pansexual just in case you don't know what thay means; it means we like any gender, ace,trans,cis, it dosnt really matter to us,and then there is our big secret the fact that we were born in well the opisite bodies I was born as the boy while larry was born as the girl.Ya thats our big secret we are both trans and every day we endure the pain of being called the genders that we are trapped in. Our parents are completely accepting of us in fact we are going to start getting hormones blockers  but we have always been afraid of telling our friends. I mean how we could lose our friends and what if someone other than them found out, what if TRINA found out she would tell the whole school what if it destroys our bands we can't let us ruin our bands dreams! But our parents want us to come clean  besides we can't hide forever. Larry looked at me from across the cafiteria and I could tell by the look on his face that he was worried about me too, and I knew we both knew we were going to have to tell them soon.

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