Part 4-agreed

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Lenny's P.O.V
Me and lanes ran all the way to our house a couple blocks away from the school."Wait lanes mom and dad are gonna be pissed that we ditched school!" I stopped her from entering the house. She looked at me with a worried expression on her face,"I know they will be, but if we explain why mabey they will understand, besides what of our friends come after us we have to hide!" I sighed knowing she was right, "fine let's just hope they don't ground us for life." We opened the door with our house key and went in to see our mom and dad at the kitchen island going over what seemed to be options for the wedding flowers. Mom was the first to notice us, she looked puzzled as she looked at the clock and back to us,"kids it's only 12:00 P.M. what are you doing back so early?" Me and lanes looked at each other and back to them, putting down our backpacks we say across of them and explained everything. "We were afraid so we just ran" lanes finished, she looked down at her hands with a sad look " we are tired of hiding but the fear of rejection and hate just scares us." I put my hand on her back to confert her. I looked up at our mom and dad to see them with worried expressions our mom reached out held Laney's cheek "honeys if it hurts you this much you should come clean after all if they don't accept you; they don't deserve you" I nodded and agreed, looking lanes in the eyes "lanes, we have to tell them it's for the best"

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