Part 5-Game Plan

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Laney's P.O.V.
I woke up to my phone alarm going off blasting Im Not Okay(I promise) I looked at my phone to see it was only 9:00 A.M. Reaching for my phone, it buzzed meaning I got a text. And of course it was from core, I didn't bother reading it. For the past two days me and Larry have been getting messages from the bands wondering what's going on. Me and him agreed that we have to tell them the next time we see of course we've been avoiding them. But tommorow is Monday meaning they were of course going to confront us the only reason they havnt so far is because we have never told either of our bands where our house is in order to keep the hole sibling thing hidden. I get up and get ready for the day, taking in to consideration that we are coming out today instead of wearing my usual outfit I wear my red jeans with my trans pride tank top with a leather jacket. I head downstairs hearing my mom and dad with lars, it seems I wasn't the only one wearing out my pride as I see Larry wearing his pansexual pride beanie. We chuckle as we see each other's outfit twins do seem to think alike. Sitting down next to Lars I grab a apple from our fruit bowl and decide to eat that for breakfast, I'm already nervous don't want to upchuck a whole breakfast later. Me and Lars decide it's about time we get going, we say goodbye to our parents and head outside. "So Lars what do we do, I don't think they will willingly agree to meet with each other" I look over at him, he looks deep in thought for a moment before a pleased look comes onto his face. "We just text our bands to meet at a place at the same time, a-and they can meet at the park by our favorite tree no one's ever there and there's two ways to get there we can tell them to take separate paths so they don't run into each other, and we'll be there waiting!" "Sounds good", We take out our phones and text our bands to meet us at our tree at 1:00 EXACTLY so we can explain everything. Putting our phones back in our pockets we go on our way to the park. Looking at Larry and at cores house as we walk to the park I sigh knowing that after today things won't be the same wether it's for the best or worse, still I'm happy to be coming out but that nagging fear still won't leave.

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