Chapter 7- Expecting the worst

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Larry's P.O.V
"It's going to be ok lanes I just know it" I was trying to calm lanes seeing how nervous she was. She turns and looks at me with a smile on her face but it was clear to see that she was beyond anxious. "Sorry bro, but you know me I just naturally expect the worst to happen." She looks up at the large tree we stood under. It was fall and the tree was much to big to lose all it's leaves but they were the same colors as both our hair and freckles. I can hear lanes take a deep breath and I hold her hand to help her calm down, it was already 12:50 our bands would be here any minute. I copy laneys actions and look up at our special tree. We discovered this tree as children back when we where new to peaceville and before we had met our friends and later to become band mates. We had met them about a year and a half of moving to peaceville we had decided to go to different camps that summer and met our friends during our time apart and have always loved music we joined our bands and only after we returned home ; learned that they were rival bands. But these where the only friends we had and both of us had fallen hard and fast for our blue head leaders , so we decided just to keep us a secret especially us being trans. After having to move here in the first place for being bullied too much at our small hometown.
I pull lanes closer to my side and she leans her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes enjoying the quiet around us,
But of course with our luck it dosnt last long.
"Larry?!" Snapping our eyes open we turn our heads to see the Newmans had arrived. I squeeze laneys hand seeing looking the corner of my eye the panicked look on her face. "LARRY WHY HAVNT YOU ANSWERED WE'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK" Carrie yelled as if she was purely mad but it was clear that she really had been worried, looking over to Kim and konnie it was clear that they had
been worried too. "Carrie liste-" "Laney ?" I had been cut short ; everyone looked over to see the second band had arrived. Everyone was silent , I looked over to Laney and I can see the worry on her face. "Laney why are you holding the Newman's hand!?" Corey had been the first to speak up, that's when everyone had noticed us holding hands. Kim looked at both me and lanes with a shocked face "Oh my gosh are you guys DATING, is that your guys SECRET!" Me and lanes looked at each other with a mix of humor and disgust towards the thought. "NO!" we both yelled. I sighed and shook my head, it seems like this confession was gonna be harder than I thought. Corey decided to speak up "Lanes what's going on, why are you with..... a Newman" he said as he looked to me and my band with disgust. "What is THAT supposed to mean riffin!" Uh Oh.
"Ya Riffin! The bigger question is why is Larry with someone from Garbageband"
That's it a full on war of our band mates had began. Screaming insults at each other with no end in sight. I racked my brains for something to say but didn't know what to do; I looked over lanes to see if she had an idea ....but it was worse with her.
I had let go of her hand when they began fighting and TRIED to stop them but no success, and since I had let go I didn't feel pore lanes start to shake....
When I turned I saw my poor sister shaking with her hands gripping at the bottom of her shirt with tears and fear in her eyes. It was clear that she was panicking she had a history of panic attacks when extremely stressed or emotional.Moving over to my sister I put my arms around her and held her close. "Shhh it's ok I can handle them." I pat her head and turn to where our bands were still arguing. "HEEY!" I yell and get there surprised attention no doubt surprised I could yell like that. "I SWEAR YOU GUYS NEED TO STOP. AND . LISTEN." "YOUR SCARING LANEY!" feeling her hide behind me only proved my point, both our bands seem to be shocked to see the usually tough red head shaking and hiding in tears. Both bands nod at me in agreement and wait for my explanation. I gently pull Laney from behind me and bring her to my side instead. "LISTEN I know this is going to be hard to take in and Laney are a-actually brother and sister, twins to be exact." I keep my eyes on the bands and see their expressions change from annoyed to totally shocked.

------------------------------------------------------ ) Notes: (
Hello everyone who has read this fic I'm sorry I havnt updated in forever but life got in  the way so here is a long progressive chapter and the next one should be out in the next couple days .

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