Chapter 1 - I'm His Manservant?!

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A/N - So here is the sequel of 'A Memory From Long Ago' that many of you have been waiting for! (Title to this story may change)

Again this is NOT a Merthur story unlike my usual ones. This is purely friendship, or bromance if you want to call it that. XD

So a few things before we get started. This story will contain episodes from the show but I'm still not sure if I'll do all of them. It might not be word for word either as I'm sure all of you have watched the episodes so it would be quite boring to read. Of course things will go differently since Arthur knows the truth so there is also that.

Another thing, chapters will probably take awhile to come out since I have to rewatch the episodes to know what to write. I have another story going right now as well so I'll try and alternate writing them.

Alright now we start where we left off last time. Arthur and Merlin have just met at a feast.


Merlin's POV

I smile widely at Arthur standing in front of me. It's nice to see him again after so long. He still seems the same as usual. A royal prat.

"It seems your friends don't quite care about you," I say, glancing at the people he was speaking to only a few minutes earlier. They're all now chatting with each other, completely forgetting the prince.

Arthur shrugs. "I'm the same as you I guess. I don't have very many real friends. Only bootlickers," he says, looking a little sad.

"You always have me." I grin about to give him a hug.

He backs away quickly, his hands up almost like in surrender. "What did I say about hugs?"

"No hugs?"

"Right. That still stands."

"You hugged me earlier."

"That was a friendly greeting. It was only because I haven't seen you in so long."

I put on a fake pout. "Fine. No hugs."

He slowly puts his hands down before his eyes suddenly widen. "Wait... come here for a second."

He pulls me by the arm out of the council room and away from the crowd. I glance around and see we're in the castles corridor. There's no one in sight. Not even the servants are nearby. He pulls me into a secluded corner before, glancing around with worry. When he seems sure no ones nearby he turns back to me with urgency.

"What the hell are you doing here in Camelot?!" He hisses at me, trying to keep his voice low as he glances over his shoulder.

I stare at him in confusion. "Um... my mother thought it best for me to come here since I didn't quite fit in at Ealdor anymore, though I never quite did in the first place," I reply, an eyebrow raised, "what's wrong?"

Arthur glares at me more frustrated then before. "Are you forgetting who you are?"

"I'm Merlin the last time I checked."

Arthur looks even more frustrated then before now, if that was even possible. "No you idiot! You. Are. A. Sorcerer! You're not supposed to be at a place where they hate magic more then anything!"

"I'm a warlock actually." I point out.

"Whatever you are! You shouldn't be here Merlin! It's dangerous! If my father finds out he'll have you burned at the stake!"

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