Chapter 9 - A Remedy to Cure All Ills

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Arthur's POV

I rub at the side of my temple, tired from hearing Merlin pacing back and forth along the length of the room for the past little while. 

"It's going to be alright," he says, sounding as though he's trying to convince himself more than me, "it is. I know it is. She's going to be absolutely-"

"Merlin," I say through gritted teeth, interrupting his ramblings.

"What?" He stops behind my chair, his fingers continue fidgeting with each other in front of him.

"You're making me anxious."

"But I'm not worried." He turns and continues to pace, making me groan in frustration.

"Then stop pacing." I turn to look at him, giving him a stern glare until he sits down beside the table. 

Immediately, his fingers begin drumming against the wood. His legs shake up and down under the table, making me even more irritated than before. I get up from my seat, starting to pace around angrily as the anxiety builds. 

I hate feeling useless, especially when someone I care about is dying. There has to be something I can do to help... perhaps collect some herbs for Gaius?

I'm still pacing when a new idea forms in my head. I whirl around, giving Merlin a start. 

I point towards my servant a hopeful smile on my face, "Magic! You could use magic to save Morgana! There has to be something in one of your spell books!"

Merlin sighs, letting his head hang down in disappointment. "I've already suggested the idea to Gaius. He won't allow it..."

"Why?! Does he not care for Morgana?"

Merlin stands abruptly, clearly angered at hearing his mentor insulted. "Of course Gaius cares! He's doing everything he can to save her life!"

I bite my tongue, knowing that Merlin was right. Gaius was doing more than any of us. "I'm sorry... you're right."

Merlin seems to calm down as well, the tension leaves his shoulders as he glances down at the table, feeling embarrassed at his outburst. "I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have risen my voice."

"No, you're right to have been angry..." I look around the room before turning back to face him, "so why won't he allow you to use magic?"

"He says this can be solved by conventional means because this isn't a magical illness. He's also afraid of what might happen to me if Uther were to get suspicious. You remember what happened when I saved Gwen's father."

I sigh, rubbing at my forehead in hopes of ridding the headache that was beginning to rise. No matter how much I care for Morgana, I care for Merlin just as much. I couldn't force him to put himself into danger once again and besides, as Gaius had said, this isn't a magical illness. Perhaps science can save her.

"I hope Gaius can save her..."

Merlin smiles, "I'm sure he will, and if he doesn't. Then I will."


Gaius frowns after checking on Morgana's condition. He turns to my father, face looking grim. "I cannot preserve her life for much longer. She has hours, maybe less," he says, looking apologetic.

I grit my teeth in anger, glancing down at the girl that I used to bicker with daily. Seeing her pale complexion and unmoving body sends a shiver down my back. She shouldn't be in such a state. She should be alive and well, laughing and smiling. "We cannot let her die," I say, letting the anger enter my voice.

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