Chapter 6 - The Poisoned Chalice

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Merlin's POV

I drop the pile of dusty clothes onto Arthur's chamber table. I let out a cough as the dust plume wafts through the air. I wave it away with a disgusted look on my face.

"When were these last cleaned?" I ask, unfolding the clothes.

"Last year sometime, before the feast of Beltane," Arthur replies.

"Did it end in a food fight?" I help him into the clothes, surprised that he didn't want me to wash it first.

"Don't all feasts?"

"I wouldn't know. The airs and graces of the court are a mystery to me." I pull the red, studded coat over Arthur's shoulders, trying my best to pat away the lingering dust.

"Not tonight they won't be."

I stop what I'm doing. A small smile tugging at the corner of my lips. "I'm going to be at the banquet?"

"Not quite. You'll be there to make sure my cup doesn't run dry." He starts to take off the coat. "If I have to sit through Bayard's boring speeches I don't see why you should get out of it." He inspects the coat. "Be sure to polish the buttons." He shoves the finery into my arms and heads behind the screen.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and set the clothes down on the table, glaring at the buttons. They look fine to me. "Do you want to see what you'll be wearing tonight?" I hear him ask from behind the screen.

I turn to face the partition. "Won't this do?"

He pops his head out, a wide grin on his face. "No, tonight you'll be wearing the official ceremonial robes of the servants of Camelot."

I raise an eyebrow in suspicion at his mocking smile. They sound appealing. I've never worn anything other then simple peasant clothes, so I'm looking forward to what they'll look like. Arthur ducks back behind the screen and pulls out an outfit. My smile drops immediately.

"You can't be serious."

Arthur's smile grows wider at the look on my face. I can tell he's amused by this. It's moments like these that I wish I had let him rot in that prison cell with the bandits.

"On second though I don' think I can make it to the banquet. Gaius had some... jars... he needed me to get from the lower town," I say, inching closer towards the door.

"Nonsense, Merlin. the jars can wait. I'm sure Gaius won't mind." The grin is still on his face as he moves a step closer.

I look at the large, feathered hat in his hands and shake my head quickly. "Um, those jars are really special. They only sell them when uh... kings come. Anyways, I best get going. Have fun at the feast Arthur!" I turn and bolt out the door.

"Merlin!" I can hear Arthur shouting after me.

I sprint down the halls as quickly as I can, making turns left and right without having a real destination in mind. The sound of Arthur's boots hitting the ground steadily become louder and louder. The next thing I know Arthur, has me by the back of my neckerchief. He smiles triumphantly, the dreaded clothes, somehow, still in his hands. Why couldn't they have accidentally been dropped in a fire pit?

"Come on, Merlin. Don't be such a girl," Arthur says, dragging me back to his chambers.

I cross my arms in annoyance and let my heels drag across the floor. If he's planning on pulling me to his chambers then I'm not going to make it easy for him. "You're not the one who has to wear that." I gesture with my chin to the clothes in his arms.

"They're not that bad."

I scoff. "I think Gaius should check your eyes. Have you seen that hat?!"

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