[Request!] Another Irons? (Part 2) {Joker}

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In the meeting room, Joker, Gideon, and Mitchell are going over plans for the mission one more time before they heat out in a few hours. Mitchell scratches at the back of his head before dropping his hand. He slams a fist into the wall before shaking his head with an irritated laugh.

"I'm going to choke the living day lights out of her when I see her!" Joker puts up his hands in surprise at Mitchell's sudden outburst. He's never heard Mitchell speak out like that before. He blinks slowly in surprise as Gideon continues to pick at his nails with his pocket knife.

"Calm down Mitchell." Gideon says in a monotone voice. Joker's mouth almost falls opens at how calm Gideon is. Does Mitchell offer outbursts like this often or in private? Joker nibbles his lip as he watches Gideon stride over to Mitchell and pull him into a hug. The darkened windows off the meeting room allow privacy from people being able to see so Mitchell drops his head down onto Gideon's shoulder with a heavy sigh.

"I promised Will that I'd take care of her Gideon... I promised him." Mitchell's voice is hoarse and cracking as Gideon wraps an arm around to pat his friend on the shoulder. Joker glares off at the wall. He's so jealous of Gideon and Mitchell's friendship... He wants to find someone to have his back like that. Joker growls mentally as he blushes brightly. God... He shouldn't be thinking about Gideon and Mitchell like that. It's not any of his business anyway, Joker isn't their best friend. Which, hurts but at the same time, Mitchell & Gideon have been through hell and back together without him around. Joker runs a hand through his hair.

"So," he starts excitedly as he hops down from the table top he had been sitting on. "I guess we have our plan in place? I guess I'll see you guys at 0100 hours. Lets go rescue Irons daughter shall we?" Joker pushes the glass doors wide open before strolling on out of the room. The doors swish behind him as he walks away. Gideon nods at Mitchell.

"Come on mate, you better catch some Z's. You'll need your strength for this mission." Gideon leads the way out before Mitchell jogs to catch up to him. He runs a hand through his wavy brown hair as a yawn overtakes him. Gideon is right. He needs sleep if he's going to function properly for the mission. Gideon and Mitchell enter their barracks to see Joker facing the wall, already showered and in bed. Mitchell climbs into his bunk and lays there as Gideon changes into a new shirt and pair of simple camouflage pajama pants. Mitchell watches as climbs into bed for the night, pulling his cap low over his eyes. Mitchell cracks a smirk. Gideon and that damn hat of his. Mitchell averts his gaze to the ceiling above him before he grabs his tablet near by and changes the setting off his screen on his ceiling to the stars in the galaxy. Mitchell drags his fingers across the ceiling and it makes small ripples on the screen. He closes his eyes as sleep begins to overtake him. He yawns once before dropping his good hand down to rest on his chest. Mitchell's head falls to the side slightly as he falls into a deep slumber. He dreams of Will, (Name), and of himself when the three of you were in school together since kindergarten. He'll never forget the day he first met the two of you... You saved him from a bully at school. A small smile caresses Mitchell's lips as he dreams. He looks so young, so untroubled with the world, but as soon as he wakes his face will go back to being a blank slate with electric blue eyes that rarely show emotion.

"I wanna go home..." A very young Mitchell rubs at his eyes as he cries on the floor. A bully had just pushed him down and took his juice box.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Mitchell sniffles as he looks up. A girl with long brown hair is starring down the older kid who took his juice box with a boy standing right beside her. Mitchell sniffles as he watches them with awe and curiosity. The bigger kid laughs meanly and throws the drink all over the young girl. She shoves the boy and tries to hit her until the boy beside her pops the boy in the nose and she punches him right afterward. The bully grabs his nose and cries as he runs off. The rest of the schoolyard cheers while some laugh at the bully who is running away crying. The girl smiles at the boy next to her who crosses his arms over his small chest.

"You're going to get in trouble (Name)." He states as he looks away from her.

"So are you William. You punched him first." The boy blushes brightly.

"Only because he was going to hit you!"

"I know." She hugs the boy close. "Thank you for protecting me." She smiles and turns until she notices the little boy sitting on the ground. She points at Mitchell with one finger. "Now, what do we do with him?" She asks curiously. The boy named William turns around and offers his hand to the other young boy. Mitchell shies away at first but with a little gentle prodding, Mitchell takes William's hand. He helps Mitchell up on his feet as the young girl brushes off the front of his school uniform. The young girl smiles at him brightly.

"I'm (Name). (Name) Irons. What's your name?" She sticks out her hand and Mitchell eyes her hand carefully before shaking it.

"I'm Jack Mitchell."  She nudges the boy next to him who sighs.

"I'm Will Irons." Mitchell smiles a little and wipes at his eyes. The young girl grips his hand.

"Don't cry anymore Mitchell. We'll be your friends forever! Won't we William?" Will told his eyes as he kicks the toe of his shoe into the dirt as he mumble a quiet "sure." The young girl beam even bright when the bell rings and she takes both boys hands and pulls them back towards the classroom.

"Come on! We don't want to be late for class! Maybe we can all get seats next to each other!" She skips off as Mitchell and William run after her yelling,

"(Name)! Wait for us!" But she only answers back with a sparkling laugh and skips a littler faster.

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