[Request!] Another Irons? (Final Part) {Joker}

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Author's Note: This is the final part of the request and the series. Finally. It honestly shouldn't have taken this long but, stuff came up and life can be a roller coaster ride that you have no control over... my next course of action will be to focus on the Gideon story 'Before I  was a Soldier' more than likely.

It's been a few months since you've been saved from the hellish hands of the KVA. You've convinced your father to let you start your Atlas military training so that you can bring the fight to the KVA alongside your new friends. Everyone is more than impressed with your skills as a soldier since none of them knew you had previously been a United States Marine. Hence why you had been taken captured besides being Irons daughter, which is very useful for other reasons. You're also, were, a Major in the United States Marine Corps. You know details and information that they need and you wouldn't give anything up to them, much to their displeasure. For the past month, you've been catching Joker watching you as a you train, a certain look in his eyes. You resist the urge to snort and roll your eyes as your instructor takes a swing at you in your sparring session. You easily block his attack before turning and flipping him over your shoulder. He lands with a thud, a grin on his face. He jumps up and brushes off his uniform before brushing his thumb along his jawline as he gets back in stance.

"Good job mate. Now I don't have to go easy on you." His British accent is thick with amusement which makes you narrow your eyes at him and you snort. You know that you'll never actually be able to take Gideon in a fight, at least, not right now. He has to much experience and self-control. You move back into position before beginning your sparring again. This time, Gideon gives you no mercy and lays you on your ass every time. There's a moment where you accidentally manage to pull him down with you and he lets out a grunt of annoyance at the unexpected fall. He pushes himself up in a half push up position to stare down at you. You let out a low growl of annoyance before opening your eyes to glare at the man.

"Get off of me." The words comes out in almost a growl as their spoken. However, this only makes Gideon laugh and grind his hips up between your legs. Thankfully, no one is watching as your back arches at the pleasure of him. You let out a grunt, resisting the urge to moan. You stare up into the blue eyes of the 36 year old Captain before snorting at him in an attempt to push him off you but at the same time, you're still no where near the strength you had when you were a Marine. Also being starved and beaten for months on end didn't help with your health either. You stare up into Gideon's eyes before blinking. His eyes have darkened and there's a deep mischievous glint of need in his eyes that makes you huff out a small breath.

"Don't you even dare." You start as you begin narrowing your (color) eyes at him. Gideon graces you with a slow smirk that snakes it's way across his face before he leans down to whisper in your ear, grinding into you again the whole while. You tilt your head back as your back arches once more at the feeling of him between your thighs. This gives Gideon better access to whisper in your ear, his tone amused but dark and seductive.

"Don't do what, (Name)?" He breathes the question into your ear as you try to resist the urge to grab a hold of him. "Don't do this?" He asks, his tone dropping again as he grinds slow and hard once more against you. You tilt your head back and moan as he takes this moment to bite your ear lobe gently. His grabs your hands off of his chest before putting both of your wrists in one hand and holding them above your head as his free hand traces the curves of your breasts through your army green sports bra. He slowly begins to grind against you as he trails his hand very slowly over your left breast before giving it a gentle squeeze and trailing his fingers slowly down the center of your stomach before tugging at the waistband of your army pants.

"Gideon." You bite out his name as his other hand releases the wasit band of your pants, a snapping sound making you jerk slightly in surprise. You growl up at him as he leans off of you and jumps up easily onto his feet. Bouncing a little, he offers you a hand and pulls you to your own feet. Swaying a little, you grip onto his shoulder for support.

"Ya' doing alright there lass?" He asks quietly, wrapping an around your shoulders as he checks you over. Waving your hand in a silent, 'I'm fine', you pull away from him slowly.

"I'm fine. Too much of a head rush getting up." You state as you run a hand through your hair and cock a hip out at him, your teeth instinctively beginning to nibble on your bottom lip. Gideon eyes you dangerously before turning on his heel and striding off towards the door. You start a little before darting after him, smacking him on the ass as you jog out of the room. He coughs a little in surprise but says nothing as the two of you part ways. On the way back to your quarters you run into Joker, who happned to have been looking for you for a good two hours until one of the Atlas workers mentioned that you were more than likely in training with Captain Gideon again. And, there was no way that Joker was going to disrupt Boss when he's training new recruits. He hates being disrupted. So, he waited for you until you were done and heading back to your quarters to bathe and shower for the day.

"Yo! (Nickname), what's up? How was training?" You turn with a small scoff before looking over to Joker and smiling.

"It was good, thanks. Did you need something from me Joker?" The hazel eye man looks to you with another toothy smile before crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, actually, I did. Your father asked to see but I was told not to disrupt your training session. He wanted to see you as soon as you were available." You cross your arms over your own chest as Joker talks to you. You want nothing more than to slap him upside the head because you know that with him escorting you also comes the possibility that he is more than likely going to hit on you... Again.

"Alright, is he in his office?" You ask, turning on a heel and heading towards the elevator. Part of you hoping that he doesn't have to accompany you but alas, you know better than that. "I'll head there now. You don't need to escort me. You inhale quietly as you hear his footsteps fall instep beside you.

"Sorry babe. It's an order." You twitch slightly at his comment before turning on your heel, parade rest in the elevator.

"Of course, soldier." Joker jerks as if though he was hit but you pay him no mind as you stare straight ahead, waiting for the elevator to open onto the floor where your father's office is. As the door slide open, you stride off the elevator, heading towards you father's office. As you're about to step into the sliding doors of his office, Joker stops you.

"Hey, (Name)? I have a question for you." You look back at him, leaning slightly back as you look over your shoulder.

"Yeah? What is it?" You ask curiously. Joker scratches at his scalp before speaking.

"Would you like to go out with me sometime?" You stare straight at Joker as he looks around before drooping his gaze to the ground. He picks it back up to look at you again as you turn around to stride silently into your fathers office without giving him a proper answer.

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