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"___-sensei! You're back from your mission!" Obito ran up to you with a happy smile on his face, but he wasn't wearing his usual goggles or ninja outfit today, but they were replaced with casual clothing consisting of a dark blue t-shirt with the Uchiha Clan crest on the back of it, matching shorts, and red sandals.

Right next to him was Rin, who had a smile on her face and was wearing a purple jacket with a black t-shirt under it, black pants, and no shoes.

Beside her stood Kakashi, who looked away with a small tint of red dusting his cheeks, and wearing his normal ninja outfit, although that wasn't anything new since he was very dedicated to becoming one of the best ninja for Konoha.

"It's nice to see you guys too. Gosh, you all have grown a little bit I see! Oh, where's Minato? He's usually with you kids when I come back from my missions," You tilted your head with your finger resting on your chin, which made your (H/C) hair tilt along with it.

"Sorry ___-sensei, we haven't seen him. Try looking for him at the Hokage Tower or his house. I agree, it's a little weird not having Minato-sensei here to welcome you back as well," Rin said with a look of slight worry on her face.

The silver haired chunin sighed and crossed his arms as he turned his head to face you, "What was your mission this time? And why are your clothes more bloody than usual?"

Your (E/C) eyes blinked in confusion at the young boy's questions, so you looked down at your clothes, which consisted of a (F/C) top, short shorts, and standard blue ninja sandals, but he was right about you having more blood on your clothes. "Oh, I never noticed that, but all I can say is never push yourself after using up all of your chakra. Ha, I'm surprised I'm st-" your explanation stopped as you felt exhaustion hit your body like a ton of bricks and you could feel your (E/C) orbs shut once your body hit the ground.

"___-sensei!!" The three students shouted, but that was the last thing you heard before you passed out.

3 Hours Later

"___! ___!" That voice sounded familiar to you, but with the booming headache you were experiencing as you woke up, you couldn't exactly tell who it was. You slowly opened your eyes and immediately looked around, seeing that you were in your apartment in your bedroom.

'How did I get here?' You thought and felt someone's chakra beside you, so you turned your head to see Minato sitting down beside your bed with a look of relief on his face, 'Oh, Minato must've been the one I heard once I woke up. I hope I didn't worry him and the students too much, but I guess in the state I'm in, at the moment, it was inevitable.'

As the blonde helped you sit up on your bed, so your body was leaning against the headboard comfortably, he frowned and began to scold you, "You had all of us worried, ___! What the hell were you thinking while you were still fighting with no chakra!? I swear you're such a handful." The last part he spoke, he sighed to.

You close your eyes and rubbed the back of your neck laughing nervously, "You know how stubborn I am Minato. I always need to push myself to prove my worth to everyone, but I'm sorry for worrying you and the students!"

You bowed, but as soon as you did, you yelped in pain and wrapped your arms around your abdomen, feeling pain course through it, and felt tears start to form in the corners of your eyes. Minato smiled softly and gently pushed your hands away from your abdomen, then lowered his head as he pressed his soft lips against it to soothe the pain and make it less painful for you. Your whole face turned as red as a tomato at the gesture and your heart beat rapidly in your chest. You've always had a crush on the blonde jonin, but you didn't want to risk the loss or awkwardness of your friendship with him if he rejected your confession.

"___, I swear if anything were to happen to you, I wouldn't forgive myself. I scold you all the time because I'm afraid of losing the person I love the most. I love you ___," He sat up and pulled you into a loving embrace and kissed your tears away as they fell from hearing his sweet confession.

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you hugged him tightly and smiled, "I love you too, you protective idiot."

"O-Oi! W-Who are you calling an idiot after I've been taking care of you for three hours?!"

"I still love you Minato, ha-ha!" The both of you would protect each other and the village, but Minato was all the protection you needed.

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