Author's Note

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When I completed The Model Spy, I knew that Laura's adventures were far from over. But I had never expected Making the Grade to be anything more than a series of ideas and short scenes hastily typed in a word document. I had never intended to turn those random ideas into a full-length story. Even when I began posting The Model Spy on Wattpad, I didn't think I wanted to post a sequel.

Sequels scare me. Everyone knows the second movie is never as good as the first. I'm sure the same goes for books, too. There are definitely some things I like better in The Model Spy, compared to Making the Grade. But there are some things about the sequel that I have come to love. Making the Grade has allowed me to do several things. I got to know Laura a little better. I got to delve into her insecurities and throw her into the "real world" for a bit, amongst high school students her own age. I also felt that I was able to improve my writing. While rereading The Model Spy, I can't help but cringe during certain points in the story. While I only posted the story to Wattpad two years ago, I actually wrote it about six years ago. I like to think that my writing style and humor and attitude has changed since I was fifteen. Writing Making the Grade has also allowed me to, most importantly, interact more with you guys!

I cannot even count how many times your comments and feedback influenced the trajectory of the story! The original draft of Making the Grade had a completely different ending than the one posted to the site. But you guys were so awesome in letting me know what you thought about certain scenes and characters and you all gave me an outside viewpoint that was very-much needed. You all pointed out when a character was acting...well, out of character. You weren't afraid to point out when the plot didn't add up or when a relationship between characters seemed out of place. Without you guys, I think Making the Grade may have been the clichéd, let-down I feared it would be. So I can't thank you guys enough. You all are what is great about a site like Wattpad.

Now I can't wait to continue Laura's and Zach's adventures because I feel like Making the Grade gave me an opportunity to know them even better and has opened up so many possibilities for them. There will be two more books posted to Wattpad in The Model Spy series. The third book is more of a prequel, told from Zach's point of view in the weeks leading up to his mission in Paris with Laura. I hope that it will give you guys more of a look into Zach's past. The fourth book picks up several months after Making the Grade and a lot has changed for Laura: a new city, a new house, and a missing person that will send Laura on her most dangerous and personal mission ever.

Before I begin posting the newest book, however, I will be doing a serious re-edit to The Model Spy. I plan on developing Laura's and Zach's characters and relationship even more, and incorporating new and expanded scenes into the story. They won't change the plot, but they will clear up any confusing points and make the story more entertaining and action-packed. Also, taking this time to revisit the original story will help me write the newer novels. I can't wait to share everything with you!

I can't say thank you enough. In only two years, The Model Spy series went from being a secret on my computer, to being read over 400,000 times! I wish I had the time to personally thank and talk to every single one of you who has ever read the story, because without you, my stories would still be nothing but digital files stored away on my computer. With every read and vote and comment and shout out on social media sites like Twitter, Pinterest, and Polyvore, you guys gave the story a life I had never imagined for it. Thank you for being supportive. Thank you for being kind. Thank you for putting up with months during which there were no updates. Thank you for helping me improve my writing and storytelling skills in ways I never thought possible. Thank you for the thoughtful messages and comments that provide such comfort in times when the words never seem to come out right.

Thank you for everything.

Making the Grade (The Model Spy #2)Where stories live. Discover now