Chapter 12 - Let's Begin

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The next morning I nearly tripped down the staircase as I made my way down to the dining hall. The chatter I had heard inside the large doors the previous night was gone. A group of boys walked past, on their way to class.

 It was 7:55, about five minutes away from the morning bell. This explained why most of the corridors in Cheshire Hall were abandoned. Only several stragglers remained. I noticed a boy and girl with their arms entwined around each other as I passed an alcove on my way to the front doors.

 Hastily, I buttoned my jacket and checked that my shoes matched. Millie had a late class, so she was still sleeping when I jumped out of bed. Upon discovering I had overslept, I had rampaged through my dorm room in the dark, attempting to dress. It was quite the struggle and it had taken me several moments to realize I was attempting to fit my legs into the armholes of my blazer.

I saw Max waiting outside the dining hall. His foot was tapping rapidly and I quickened my pace while simultaneously checking that I hadn’t tucked the back of my skirt into my stockings in my rush to get dressed that morning.

 “I decided to wait for you.” Max said and gave me a piece of toast he had been holding. “When I figured you were going to be late, I grabbed some breakfast. Fred’s ancient history class starts in five minutes. What took you so long?” Finally, Max breathed and gave me a chance to talk. Outside the front doors more stragglers were slowly making their way towards Marble Manor and their morning classes. Two boys stood in the gardens, smoke swirling into the air from their burning cigarettes.

 “Millie kept me up all night, interrogating me.” I took a piece of toast. Once she had exhausted her boy band knowledge, she wanted to know everything about American high schools, about prom and football games and how we spent our Friday nights. “Not to mention the jet lag.” I pulled my phone out of my bag, the time on the touch screen still in Pacific Standard Time. “It’s still yesterday in Los Angeles, for another few minutes at least,” I said before yawning widely.

 “I am so tired,” I apologized when Max raised an eyebrow. “And I look like a bad anime character.” I smoothed my yellow skirt and purple blazer. “Or a conservative, buttoned-up Laker Girl.” I swatted a bee away as we hurriedly cut through the garden.

“I always found anime characters attractive,” Max said matter-of-factly as he held the front door to Marble Manor open for me.

 “A normal guy would choose the Laker Girl,” I teased. “You look nice,” I said, nodding at his black suit. Keeping with the school’s colors, he had fastened a purple bow tie crookedly to his white collar.

 “Is the bow tie too much?” The morning bell rang through the corridors.

 “No, it’s just crooked.” I attempted to straighten it as we walked. We were both going to be so late.

 The halls in Marble Manor were deserted. A door slammed in the distance. I peeked inside a classroom. About twenty students sat, turned in their seats and chattering. A professor stood in the front of the room, trying, to no avail, to gather their attention.

 “Here.” Max grabbed my arm to stop me from nearly missing Fred’s classroom.

 We opened the classroom door and at once fifteen pairs of eyes were on us. There were some snickers. I heard one boy whistle.

 “What were those two up to?” he said none-too-quietly. He was answered by more laughs and whistles.

 “Nice for you both to join us.” Fred’s voice was stern as he spoke over the class. Glasses were perched on the edge of his nose. “I was just informing the class that attendance is compulsory.” He picked up a clipboard and for a moment I was reminded of Clipboard Girl in Paris. I involuntarily shivered. “Miss Peterson, I presume?”

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