Chapter 8: Carlo's Transition

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It wakes up from an ethereal void casts beneath the abyss. The rest has been so long. Although time did not matter because it can't feel anything, waiting and patience still cannot emphasize the time it spent in the darkness. Yes, for the time being, it does not feel anything. It is somehow unconsciously conscious. It is a mere shadow in this endless sea of nothingness. Such is important to say though that nothingness does not correspond to obscurity or anomie of its being.


Alas, it wakes up from its deep slumber. Its heart began to beat. Warm light shines from the inside-out and he is starting to see his hands and body. From the shadows of nothingness his body gradually formed.  As the "it" gradually becomes a "he", he started to remember things. “Carlo, my name is Carlo.” he said his name twice for no reason.


He can't remember where he is. All he remembered is that he's talking to Pallas before he felt dizzy. Pallas's face is still vivid in his memory. “Who can ever forget that witchy face and her dark red eyes?” He thought. But something feels strange. He can remember Pallas's face and hair but he can't remember where they are talking. He can't even remember if they are sitting or standing and what clothes they were wearing.


"So, I'm in Bahamas and I..." He was stopped, choked. His mouth is drying and there's no saliva coming out underneath his tongue. He's so thirsty. The sun is scorching and he can't hear anyone, even himself. He is yelling yet no words are coming out. Imagination or hallucination? Maybe because of fatigue? He started to walk.


His mind, so pale and frozen, started to stare at the surroundings. Everything is so blank, no grass nor wind. The sky's plain white blue. He looked at his palms and began to notice that there’s no lines and curves. He began to gasp. He's so thirsty! He began to dig the ground, looking for bottled water or a swimming pool. Thinking straight seems to be hard at that very moment. After digging with enormous fervor, he is so frustrated to only find a wooden coin.


"Can you give me that?" He turned around and saw an old man sitting ten feet behind him. He gave the wooden coin and said, "Thanks, now I can play."

"With whom?" he asked.

"With him." said the old man.

He is shocked to see another person beside him. The tall man moved his hat up as a sign of hello and in return he smiled. He began to turn around once more and he saw many people walking.


He is stunned, not only because of the old man and his playmate but of the place. Of course he knew something is wrong. In a flash, the surroundings have changed. There are  old buildings everywhere and there are many noisy people bargaining on the streets. Most of them are busy walking in black coat and there are others standing by the alley smoking some pipe. The sun is shining brightly and he can now clearly see that he is standing on a gondola. "Stupid! don't drink that water, its sewage" the old man shouted.

"But I'm thirsty!"

The gondola paddled on a vegetable seller. The old man bought some bottled water from the old woman and gave it to him.

"How'd you know that she sells water?" he asked.

"If you sell vegetables, you always need to have water with you so that it can still look fresh even though it is month's old." Then he smirked.

He watched them play this odd game. The old man told him that they were playing checkers. "Checkers is a game played by two players. Each of them has 12 set of disc, either black or white. The board consists of 64 squares, with alternating 32 dark and 32 light squares." the old man scratches his ribs and continued, "Moves are allowed only on the dark squares, meaning the pieces move diagonally. Movement of the disc can only move forward, either one square diagonally right or left. A piece making a capturing move (a jump) leaps over one of the opponent's pieces, landing in a straight diagonal line on the other side. Only one piece may be captured in a single jump; however, multiple jumps are allowed on a single turn. When a piece is captured, it is removed from the board. If a player is able to make a capture, there is no option, the jump must be made. If more than one capture is available, the player is free to choose whichever he or she prefers. When a piece reaches the furthest row from the player who controls that piece, it is crowned and becomes a king. Kings are limited to moving diagonally, but may move both forward and backward. But basically, the rule is eliminating all the pieces of your opponents." he said the last phrase with a serious look on his face, looking directly to him. He began to somehow feel that the old man's eyes are striking yet calm.

"Your words are confusing"

“Sometimes, things are easier to show than to explain.”

"Okay, let’s play."

They spent the whole afternoon playing checkers. The old man taught him some moves and they both laughed and played.

"Don't you want this kind of life, free from any hassle?"

"It sure is relaxing, just playing checkers by the river, looking at the sunset..." he smiled and repeated, "Sure is relaxing."

"Then stay here."

"I can't"


He did not answer the question. He feels that there is something weird going on. Mystified and seemingly nervous he asked, "Who are you?"

The old man smiled, "I’ve aged no? Hi boy its me, your father."

Cold sweat exits from his skin. His vision seems to narrow, focusing only to the old man, his face and narrower, into his eyes. He did not feel the longing, the sadness. Heck he was frightened!

"Am I dead?"

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