Chapter 1: So you're going to be a landlord...

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Tatsuki's eyes shifted from his nearly emptied dorm to the well groomed man in his doorway. "I'm sorry...?"

"Do you have someplace to live?" The stranger's voice was silky, but his directness made Tatsuki uncomfortable.

"I don't think I know you."

"Right, sorry. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Saketo Mahotoko." He gave a polite nod and straightened his well fitted suit.

"What do you want? Why are you asking me that kind of stuff?" Just moments ago, this stranger had barged in asking where he was planning on working now that he'd finished school, but he couldn't recall having met him before this moment.

"Hm?" In the span of a few seconds, Saketo had gotten distracted by a copy of Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou on Tatsuki's desk. "So you well versed in all this business, eh?" He tapped the cover and gave a cocky grin.

"Gimme that!" Tatsuki's face turned red as he snatched it from his hands and hid it in one of his boxes. "What is it to you if I am or not?"

"I'm kinda here with a job proposal for you...don't get all edgy, I've read them, too." He tugged at the cuff links on his sleeves and smiled as if this made everything better. It didn't, but the job offer stopped Tatsuki from calling campus security.

"What kind of job? And what does that have to do with my living arrangements?" He crossed his arms defensively. Though a bit of an airhead, this Saketo had a strong intimidating presence. "Also, why didn't you start with the job offer instead of being creepy?"

"I thought I explained this to you already? Or maybe that was just in my head..." He paused and ran his fingers through his already messy blonde hair. "You would be a landlord for a new extra species building. There would be a room for you to live in, so I wanted to make sure you didn't already have plans. It'd kinda be like in Monster Musume, but the rules on dating have been implemented, so relationships aren't out of the question. Marriage is still a work in progress, but we'll get there." Saketo looked him up and down, "Your Japanese is pretty good for a foreigner." Tatsuki gritted his teeth. He feared that comment was coming, but thought maybe for once he wouldn't hear someone mention his contrasting appearance. His skin was naturally darker and he had soft brown hair, so he'd always been teased in school.

"I was born here. And my name is Tatsuki." he said coldly as he turned back to his packing. His parents gave him a Japanese name because they thought it would help him fit in, but he would always get weird looks when he responded to it in public. His father had been Japanese while his mother was a Puerto Rican tourist. She decided to stay when she found out she was pregnant. Then, once he was old enough to attend University and live on his own, went back to her travels taking his father with her. He reacted defensively, "So? What are you? German? Well, Blondie?"

"Ah, bit of a temper I see..." Saketo shifted awkwardly in the doorway. "My apologies, I meant no offence." He bowed and tried to continue the conversation. "I'm actually am a halfer, too, but I dye my hair..." he reached up and touched his hair suddenly appearing self-conscious of it.

That explains why he's so tall... Tatsuki thought bitterly as he continued to pack and refused to respond.

"Right..." Saketo nodded and reached in his pocket. "Here's my card. I wrote the address of the building on the back and my number's already on it, so just let me know when you make up your mind." He held it out, but when Tatsuki didn't take it, set it on the table near the door and took his leave. Tatsuki stopped what he was doing as he heard Saketo walk away and snatched up the card. His mom had invited him to join her travels once he'd finished school, but he was more of a homebody like his dad. The only reason his dad had agreed to go along was because he loved his wife more than his home.

He quickly finished gathering his stuff before returning the key to the room and heading to the given address. It was dark by the time he got there, but the street the bus dropped him off at was well lit. He followed it to the end where he found a fairly large building that resembled a rich person's mansion more than an apartment building.

He walked through the large front door, which was commonly unlocked in remote areas like this, and headed in. It was very spacious and welcoming to accommodate extra species of any shape and size. As he continued in, the rubber bottoms of his slippers squeaked on the waterproof flooring sending the sound echoing around the building.

"You may place your belongings in your room over here." Saketo appeared around a corner making Tatsuki jump. "I'm glad the slippers fit you, I was afraid we might have to get you a smaller pair." Tatsuki flushed in embarrassment as Saketo walked over and helped him carry his bags bringing his sweet perfumed air with him.

"You don't have to help me with that..." He grumbled as he followed him past the well equipped kitchen and down a short hall.

"Nonsense. We work together now," he smiled brightly seeming to illuminate the dim room. The lights came on revealing a cozy room with a king sized bed, desk, closet, and "A private bathroom. Though you may bathe with your extra species tenants, if it's okay with them, some may not be comfortable with that. In which case, you can wash up in here instead of waiting."

"How'd you know I would agree to this?" Tatsuki was surprised at how well it seemed to suit him.

"To be honest...I didn't," Saketo admitted sheepishly. "I've been waiting here ever since I left your dorm. There were a few others I was supposed to ask, but I really wanted it to be you, so I was gonna give you a week to say yes." Tatsuki's face reddened and he quickly looked away.

"So the new tenants won't be here for a week?" He started unpacking his pajamas to avoid eye contact with the suddenly charismatic extra species coordinator.

"Oh, no no no. The first one arrives tomorrow. Get your rest, I'll be back with them in the morning!" He cheerily headed out leaving the new landlord a little panicked and very confused.


Hey! Thank you for reading my Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou fanfic!!! 

This chapter's art is of our MC Tatsuki! It was drawn by me (Dri G./KittyFox) using a base I found on Deviantart drawn by CherryCupcakePixels (you should check them out if you're not so good at drawing bases, like me). 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! You're more than welcome to let me know what you think in the comments~ 

Thanks again for reading!

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