Chapter 6: Practice run...literally...

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Not long after Saketo had left, the three of them sat down for lunch before spending the afternoon exploring the rest of the house. They discussed where they'd lived in the past, what kind of schooling they'd completed. Mikichi had degrees in physical health and fitness along with a minor in psychology, making Tatsuki feel like an idiot for majoring in world history. 

"But you could be a teacher with that kind of knowledge!" Miki tried to make him feel better, but he shook his head.

"I'm not really good at explaining myself. I just like learning and memorizing facts and I'm a strong believer in the fact that ignorance of humanity's mistakes will only lead to making more of the same mistakes." They headed downstairs and into the yard which was open to a forest behind the place. The weather was mild and a cool breeze sent goosebumps crawling up his arms. 

"Guess you're lucky you got this gig, huh." Ame nudged him as he walked past. It had rained in the past week and the cloud cover had only kept the ground muddy, so every step was welcomed with a damp squelching sound. "We'd better be careful or we'll end up getting stuck or..." His warning was cut off by a physical representation of what he was about to explain. Ame stepped on a slope in the path and stumbled as his feet slid out from under him. The neighborhood suddenly rang with Miki's laughter as she watched him struggle to stay upright. 

"Careful!" Tatsuki hurried over to help, but only managed to get elbowed in the cheek before falling down and taking Ame down with him. "S-Sorry!" His white t-shirt was splattered in mud and Ame didn't fair any better. 

"Don't worry about it, that's what baths are for. Right, Miki-chan?" Ame took a wad of the sloppy mud in hand and flung it in her direction, nailing her in the chest while she was busy laughing her head off. She suddenly found her fluffy chest fur caked in mud and instantly grew silent. 

"Oh boy, by the time I'm done with you..." She ran towards them scooping up two fistfuls of mud and tackling Ame and Suki further to the ground. They wrestled for a while, with Tatsuki doing more escape attempts than attacking, and only stopped when they were shivering and panting for air. Poor Ame, who was cold blooded, was becoming lethargic. 

"I'm too old for this," Tatsuki sneezed, stumbling back towards the house. 

"Oh come on!" Mikichi hugged his arm, pressing her chest into his side. "That was fun! I haven't felt so refreshed in ages! Besides, people pay lots of money to be rubbed down in mud, it's good for your skin."

"But a cold wouldn't be," Suki grumbled, "get straight to the bathroom, Ame and I can wait." He saw her tail caked and heavy with mud dragging behind her.

"Why don't we just bathe together? I don't think it'd be good for Ame to wait to warm up..." 

"You're ok-k-kay with that?" Ame raised an eyebrow at her suggestion, but couldn't hide the fact his teeth were chattering.

"Yeah, the last club I worked at was small and had unisex bathrooms to save space. If it bothers you though, we don't have to." 

"I'm f-fine with it," Ame shrugged and started heading to the door, "as g-great as your boobs look, you're not my t-t-type." Miki laughed and punched his arm in a playful sibling manner.

"Likewise, bug breath! I'm glad I don't have to worry about you putting your moves on me." She followed him inside while he bragged about how great his moves were while Tatsuki trailed behind them. The small changing room in between the living room and the bathroom also happened to hold their washing machine, so they stripped and headed in one at a time. Tatsuki felt a little relieved when he saw that Miki's fur covered below her waist and he had already bathed with Ame, so there was no awkwardness there. He had to admit he found himself attracted to both of them. Watching them wash out of the corner of his eye, he almost had to leave the room. They were both smooth an muscular from head to toe. Ame had scales which covered the lower half of his limbs while Miki had shaved her fur to cover her upper chest and hips, with a trail of fur running down her back leading to her tail. However her fur wasn't long enough to hide her boobs, which were large and perky under the cold water she rinsed off with. 

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