Chapter 5: And the calls keep coming...

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Saketo had run off to hide in the new tenant's room and wait for his blush to wear off. Meanwhile, Ame lounged in a special made chair that allowed his tail to stick through the back.

"I'm glad that didn't last long." Tatsuki sighed and flopped on the couch across from him. Ame grinned and nodded.

"You really lucked out with that, but I guess I'm glad everything is alright between you." He grinned at the naive boy and stretched. Tatsuki rubbed his hands together awkwardly and Ame pursed his lips, knowing what was coming. "You wanna know how I lost my wings don't you..." Tatsuke blushed and shrunk in his seat.

"I mean yeah, you are a Dragonewt after all, but not if telling me makes you uncomfortable. It's none of my business, I didn't mean to find out like that."

"I invited you to bathe with me, it was bound to happen." He sighed, it was hard to be standoffish around the kid. His personality was so relaxed and open, plus the innocent look he carried made him appear more trustworthy. "The colony I lived with before signing up with the exchange program was very against integrating with the humans and the outside world. There were a few of us whose curiosity won out and we decided to leave, but it came at a steep price." His face darkened and Suki was at the edge of his seat. "Our leader caught us trying to sneak out and so they cut off our wings and tails so we 'would match the monsters we were trying to fit in with.'" He shifted uncomfortably in his seat remembering the pain. "Reptiles naturally have the ability to grow back their extra limbs, but they basically mutilated us, so after they came back malformed, we had to go to doctors to have them re-removed so they could grow back properly."

"That's horrible..." Suki whispered sitting up. "But your tail has grown back, so why...?"

"Why no wings?" Ame raised an eyebrow and Tatsuki nodded. "They're a bit more delicate and intricate, so this will be my third set growing back. Incidentally it was the medical team that I've worked with that inspired me to become a doctor. I can't work yet because the program hasn't expanded the job market that far yet, but I'll be ready when it does."

"Y-you have a PhD??" Suki gaped at him, "th-then why are you here? You should have found a medical professional to live and train with!" 

"No, no, no," Ame laughed at Suki's amazement. "I did that during my schooling the past eight years. You were the closest to my job in town and my old host encouraged me to move closer to my work, since the research department I'm working with is moving to the trial period. Incidentally, I will need you to accompany me to and from work, per the rules. It's not too far, just a few miles into town."

Oooo! What a coincidence! Me, too!" Their new roommate had reentered the room looking refreshed and showing a lot more skin. "We should all walk together! I'm working at the gym as a personal trainer!" 

"Sounds like a plan!" Ame clapped his hands together. "By the way, I've never seen a kobold like you before..." He looked her up and down, noting her smaller hands and more human face along with her fiery orange fur. 

"Daddy was a kobold and mama was a Kyuubi no Kitsune," she gave a toothy grin and bounced on the balls of her feet making her chest jiggle under her tank top. "And I'm Mikichi or Miki for short! Pleasure to meet the both of you! It is just the three of us, right?" She tensed and looked around as if more people would suddenly pop out of nowhere. 

"Yup, just us. I'm Tatsuki, by the way, but you can call me Suki." He stood up to shake her hand.

"Can I call you Suki?" Saketo had reappeared and was eager to be part of the conversation. Ame rolled his eyes while Mikichi pulled Tatsuki into a hug, temporarily suffocating him in her fur and chest.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miki," he brushed some loose fur from his nose, "and you can if you like, Saketo." He smiled his way before taking a seat with Miki, who had relaxed at hearing there would only be three residents for the time being. Meanwhile, Saketo was attempting to hide his blush and joined them in a single chair next to Ame.

"So, Miki, why do you not want anyone else to live here?" Saketo watched her causiously. "If it is a problem, it will affect who I can let stay here when I receive any inquiries regarding the change to be a homestay." Miki gave him a funny look before waved her hands frantically and explaining herself.

"It's nothing like that! I just prefer to get used to my surroundings before lots of people fill up the space..." It made sense, but Ame and Tatsuki got the feeling that wasn't the only reason she wanted to keep things the way the were for a while. However, they were all new acquaintances and it wouldn't have been right to pry into her reasons so soon, so they simultaneously allowed it to slide.

"Glad to hear it! This going to be a hot spot and some may just be staying for a short period of time while transitioning or figuring out where they want to go. This place is supposed to be practice so liminals can get a feel for living on their own or in a community. I know I've already told you this, but it's important to remember that you're still not allowed to go out on your own, so it might be a good idea to set up a schedule, so Suki doesn't have to run around like a chicken with his head cut off." Saketo started to pull out his phone and ask if he could get his number and discuss a plan, but Ame saw it coming and quickly dashed his hopes of that.

"We actually have it all figured out," he glanced slyly at Saketo who returned the look with a glare. "It just so happens that the three of us will be able to conveniently walk to work together."

"Isn't that...lovely. I'm glad everything is working out so well for you." Saketo slumped down in his seat and started to sulk.

"It is great, isn't it!" Tatsuki agreed ignorantly grinning at the ease of his job so far. 

"Not that I'm not enjoying all this so far, but do you mind if we get something to eat? I'm starving," Miki interrupted with the hope of getting food, to which both her new roommate quickly complied. 

"Of course!" They jumped up in unison before moving to the kitchen and getting started with the prep work. 

"Will you be staying for lunch, too?" Tatsuki leaned across the counter, directing his question to Saketo, who was slowly sliding closer to the floor. 

"I'd love to!!" He quickly regained his composure, but quickly lost it when his phone went off. "But I can't..." He checked the number before collecting the signed paperwork heading to the door. "Maybe next time though," he nodded at Suki who smiled and walked him to the door before returning to assist with making lunch. "What the hell!" Saketo hissed into his phone as he headed to his waiting vehicle. "This better be really freaking important!" 

"Easy there, tiger, I'm just doing my job!" The poor coworker was not doing well at keeping on his friend's good side. "I need to you come in and take a look at a couple candidates for the homestay program. They checked out fine, but there are a couple conditions that need to be ironed out for this to work."

"Fine, I'm on my way...but you owe me lunch," Saketo sighed as he buckled in.

"Oh well that doesn't really were at his place, weren't you? And he offered yo-" The rising excitement in his voice was cut off when Saketo abruptly hung up. It was bad enough he was going to have to put up with that when he got there, he wasn't going to listen to it on the ride over, too.

"The office, please?" The driver started the car and headed off. As he stared out the window he wondered if these liminials would end up with Suki as well. As much as he wanted to use them as an excuse to see him, he didn't want the poor kid to get overwhelmed and back out. He sighed heavily watching his breath fog the window and quietly tasting his love interest's nickname on his tongue. "Suki..."


No pic this time, but I hope you enjoy the chapter anyway~ I will try to get it done soon and add it <3 I have a group pic, but as not all the characters have been introduced yet, I'll save it for a later chapter ;)

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