Chapter 3: Finding another tenant...

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Saketo left the house confused and upset, but wasn't exactly sure why. He was a little jealous that Ame and Tatsuki had become close so quickly despite the fact Ame had been so standoff-ish when they'd met. Since Ame was so insistent that he left, he no longer had a good reason to visit. Saketo wasn't sure why, but he'd taken a liking Tatsuki and ended up giving up a day off work to sit around and wait for him to take the job. It bothered him what Ame had said before they came downstairs. "I think living alone with Tatsuki will be fun." He said it as though he knew it would bother Saketo. He gave himself a shake as he climbed into a thin black vehicle and directed the driver where to go. Tatsuki did seem a bit naive, he needed a good excuse to check in on him.

There were still some paperwork that needed to be done, but if he turned around now he knew Ame would tease him about it. If only there was another tenant... He whipped out his phone and speed dialed one of his coworkers.

"Heyyyy," He leaned back in his seat and tried to sound casual, "I was just wondering if there were any other extra species looking for a place to live in this area?"

"What?" He coworker's chair creaked as he shifted around. "Didn't you just assign a new host to that building?" Saketo could hear his fingers fly across the keyboard. "Yeah, you signed it to a Tatsuki Lobo Hayakawa. He's inexperienced and has one Ame Draco living with him. Why are you already looking for another tenant? You should really give the kid a chance to adjust and get an idea of what his job with be. Unless..." he could almost hear the smile in his voice.

"I-I was just checking! I'll call you later!" Saketo quickly hung up. "I'm sorry, could you please turn around? I forgot something."

"No problem, sir." The driver shifted lanes and started heading back to the house. Saketo found the folder and made sure all the papers were together before sitting back and trying to relax. This was the first host he'd been assigned to so he wanted to do everything right. That was why he was going back. That was the only reason he was going back. He nodded to himself as if thinking this would make it true.

Saketo checked his hair with his phone camera before thanking the driver and heading back to the house. He knocked on the door, but when there was no response, he let himself in. Saketo became a little worried when he didn't spot them in the kitchen or the living room. "Tatsuki? Ame?" He noticed steam coming from the bathroom and headed over to investigate. Ame had a long flight and drive to the house and he figured he might want to bathe. "Sorry to barge in, but I was wondering if you'd seen Tatsuki, I forgot to have him sign..." he trailed off as he spotted Ame lounging in the tub with Tatsuki in his arms, his eyes shut and his head resting against Ame's chest. "What did you do?!"

"Nothing! He's just-" Ame tried to explain, but Tatsuki shifted, putting his arm around Ame's neck, and Saketo had seen enough.

"Have him sign these when you're done. They'll be on the table." He left Ame calling after him, but Saketo ignored him and quickly vacated the house, his face flushed with color. Re-entering the car, he asked to be driven home, to which the driver nodded and took off seeming to notice his sudden mood shift. Saketo rubbed his eyes and tried to shake the image from his mind. It shouldn't bother him. It's not like he wanted anything to do with that Tatsuwhatever-his-name-is anyway.

They finally reached his house and he thanked the driver before retreating inside. He hung up his suit, drew a hot bath, and poured himself a cup of tea before climbing in. He sighed and sunk down to his chin, "ugh, what's wrong with me?" Saketo muttered as he watched the water ripple. He rested his head against the wall of the tub. So maybe he kinda liked the kid, it's not like a little incident like that would interfere with his work. That was a lie. Just thinking about it made him ache with jealousy.

His cellphone suddenly rang and he almost slipped underwater in his rush to get it. "Hello?"

"Man, you sound out of breath. You alright?" It was just the coworker he'd contacted earlier.

"I was in the tub when you called. What do you want?" He couldn't help but sound irritated.

"Calm down, it's about earlier."

"Look I'm not in the mood for your 'I told you so' speech right now..." Saketo rubbed his forehead with his free hand. A hardy laugh burst through the speaker forcing Saketo to pull the phone away from his ear.

"You're love life will always interest me, but that's not why I'm calling this time."

"Oh?" Saketo resisted the urge to grind his teeth.

"Yeah, I've got an extra species who's looking for a place to stay. It's actually the one you've been hoping to find a place for. They've shown interest in that new building you gave the kid."

"That's great! Thank you for your call." Saketo grinned excitedly.

"Hahaha, okay then, let me know how it goes...wink wink!" The guy was still laughing when Saketo hung up and headed back into the tub. He wanted to go back and see Tatsuki as much as his didn't want to. Same went for how badly he wanted one of them to explain what was going on when he walked in on them in the tub. He knew he should call and inform Tatsuki of the new tenant he would be hosting, but didn't want to talk to him or leave a message if no one answered. That wouldn't be good for his imagination.

"Guess I'll just have to surprise them...I hope she does alright."

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