Chapter 3

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I wake up to a noise in my kitchen. I put on my sweater and go downstairs. I look in the kitchen and he's making breakfast. I smile and walk in.

" Good Morning."

He looks at me and smiles,

" Good Morning, you look beautiful this morning."

I laughed,

" I just woke up, I didn't even get dressed."

I looked down and he walked over and picked up my chin and said,


I didn't know what he was talking about so I asked him,

" Huh?"

He laughs,

" I said smile for me."

I smile and he just looks at me and brushed my hair out of my face. He grinned and said,

" Your smile brings out the beauty and your always need for makeup."

I blush and hide my face. Then I smell something burning, I peeked out and say the eggs were burning, II gasped,

" Your eggs are burning!"

He quickly turned around and flipped them over. I can't believe he said my smile brings out my beauty. I always hated my smile. I didn't think he would say something like that. He turns them off and hands me a plate. I look down and couldn't believe my eyes. He made eggs, bacon, sausage and potatoes. I usually have this at the hotel for breakfast. How did he know that this is what I like? I looked at him and asked him,

" How did you know I always have this for breakfast?"

He smiled and looked at me,

" I see you eat it all the time at work. So I figured I make it for you."

I smiled,

" So you were watching me?"

He grinned,

" I wouldn't call it watching you...I call it observing you from afar."

I smiled and laughed,

" Well thank you for breakfast, that was really sweet of you."

He smiled and we started eating. The food was delicious. We finished and I said I'd clean up since he cooked. He smiled and said he was gonna go wash his hands. I put on my music and started cleaning. I was singing and dancing while I was cleaning; forgetting that he was here. I was at the sink washing the dishes and I was singing. He comes up behind me and scares me. He giggled and said,

" That was cute."

I looked at him,

" What are you talking about?"

He smiled,

" I was watching you dance and sing. It was so adorable."

I blushed and he kissed my cheek and left. I was shocked. He kissed me. I felt my heart racing. I like that feeling. I finished up and went upstairs. As soon as I got up there I closed my door and went to take a shower. I hear a knock o my bedroom door. I open it and it's N. My hair is still wet and I didn't comb it yet.

He asked,

" Sorry to bother you, but I called the police and they said they will come by later for information. Is It okay If I stay over for a little bit longer?"

I smiled at him.

" Of course love, stay as long as you want."

He smiles and plays with his fingers.

" Did you want me to get you anything or do you need something?"

He looked inside my room

" Did you want to come in?"

He blushed and looked down.

" Yes, if that's okay, just to hangout and talk."

I smile.

" Sure, I'm just combing my hair."

I invite him in and tell him to sit anywhere he wants. He sits on the couch by my window and just looks around. I feel my heart beat fast. I feel my cheeks get warm. I'm brushing my hair and I hear him get up. I see him in the mirror and he smiles at me and asks,

" Can I see the brush?"

I hand him the brush and he combs my hair. I start to blush and my heart is beating really fast. He stops and turns me around and looks at me. I feel my cheeks getting very warm and I look at him. He put his hand on my cheek and kisses my lips. My heart slows down and I wrap my arms around him. He made my heart flutter. Once we stopped kissing he said,

" I'm sorry, I had to."

I looked at him and kissed him again, then I replied,

" So did I."

Then we both smiled. He spoke,

" Lets go on another date tomorrow. Please."

I wrapped my arms around him.

" Of course, I'd love to."

We kissed one more time and then we went downstairs.

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