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look my my precious lil bean just landed anyways

This idea came to me in a dream I had the other day and I liked it so much I decided to expand it so I hope you guys like it enjoy.

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Michael complained and he complained a lot. He complained when he had to pack, he complained on the ride to the airport, he complained on the plane [there's no god damn wifi, this pillow is lumpy, Ashton your shoe is crushing my toe] he complained when they landed. And Michael most definitely complained when his sock clad foot stepped in a puddle in the middle of the night whilst the group of tired students slowly stumbled their way into the hotel.

So once Ashton set foot into his hotel room he dropped his bags and he plopped face-down on his bed and closed his eyes to forget about everything.

All the stress of the past 24 hours, the nightmarish flight, the complaining friend, the start of a class trip 2 weeks long, all disappeared as the boy snored lightly.

When Luke entered their shared hotel room he tip toed around the room dropping his bags neatly in the closet. He blindly searched for something to sleep in, not wanting to turn the light on and disturb Ashton and yanked the new shirt over his head while he toed off his shoes.

From his bed Ashton made a grumbling noise and Luke turned to check on him. The sleeping boy's exhaustion was such that he had fallen asleep in shoes and didn't bother getting under the covers. Luke sighed and walked over to Ashton's bed.

"Ashton, c'mon mate wake up you gotta get these shoes off. Mate."

Ashton made a noise of discontent but rolled over and kicked his shoes to the ground. Luke then neatly put them under his bed. Ashton grumbled as he settled under the covers and from his hazy half asleep half awake state heard the sheets on Luke's bed rustle until sleep took over him.


The following morning the boys awake to one of their professors knocking on their door, "svegliati tutti è il nostro primo giorno a Venezia la colazione è di 30 minuti non fate tardi." {wake up everyone it's our first day in Venice breakfast is in 30 minutes don't be late} 

After an uneventful breakfast in the downstairs lobby of the (what Ashton can now fully appreciate) beautiful old hotel, the group of year 12's were led by one of their Italian cultural professor to the front of the hotel. There was a canal directly in front of them, the water sloshy and blue lapping at stone. The city felt alive to Ashton in a way that settled pleasantly in his stomach. It all smelt of wet stone and water and time.

"Welcome everyone to your first official day in Venezia"

Ashton's attention was brought to one of his professors directing his words to the group in front of him, "We are currently 8 hours behind our hometown, you will feel jet lag, you will feel strange, fatigued or sleepy for a couple of days. But," there was a pause, for effect of course, "if you listened to our advice and adjusted your sleeping schedule like we said to it might make the change a little easier. Now" he clapped excitedly, "you are all free to explore the city at your pleasure. You will, I assume, make your own lunch plans do keep in mind the currency is different here than in Australia. We meet back here at 6 for dinner."

"Now if you would all like to get in groups of three or four we've reserved some topetta and walking tours of the city for you all. Enjoy the city and please remember you are representing not only our country but our school, behave appropriately your reputation and the school's depends on it."

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