As your soul fades

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My P.O.V:
I sigh as I gently wash my body careful of my rib. Andy came back in with some clean clothes he blushed and immediately looked away. I smiled softly "thank you Andy." "No problem." He smiled and walked out quickly. I chuckled and drained the bath and got dressed in the clothing provided, which were more of his oversized clothes. I slipped on his shirt and strangely there were shorts about my size, hmm maybe a girlfriend or ex girlfriend? I sighed and slipped on the shorts. I smiled softly as his shirt was warm, and it smelled of him. "Wait. C-could I actually love him? Already? Wow. Wait but he has a girlfriend....I'm sad now." I thought to myself. I smiled and took in his scent. I walked out of the bathroom to see him sitting on his bed texting someone. "Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for everything." I said sitting down next to him. "No problem." He smiled at me. 'Oh god his smile is beautiful....' I thought to myself as I smiled back. I smiled softly and gently leaned against him. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I blushed lightly "hey Andy?"
"Yes Layna?"
"I know this sounds weird but do you have a girlfriend?"
"Yeah her name is Juliet."
My heart shattered slightly.
"Oh I see. I'm happy for you." I put on a fake smile. I sigh sadly "what am I going to do Andy? I have no where to go."
He smirked "you're coming on warp tour with me and the guys. Gerard found your sister and she have me a recording of you singing along to In The End and your voice made perfect harmony with mine. You're in the band Layna. And you're lucky that we just happen to have an extra room on this bus." I looked at him with wide eyes.
"You mean it?" He nodded and I hugged him gently. He gently hugged me back smiling softly. "Thank you so much Andy. I'm going to find a way to make it up to you I promise." He smiled and said "come on I want to show you to your room and then introduce you to the rest of the guys." He took my hand and led me to a room just as big as his with a bed in the middle. I smiled softly and hugged him again. "Thank you Andy." "It's no problem Layna." He said chuckling. I smiled and pulled away and I looked at the room with awestruck eyes. I hear him chuckle and I felt the warmth of his hand wrap around mine and he led me to a room with four other guys. I waved shyly. "Guys this is Layna. She's the newest member of the band." He said smiling. They all smiled and I already knew their names. "Hi Ashley, Jake, Christen, and Jinxx." I waved smiling happily. They all chuckled and hugged me gently. "Welcome to the band Layna." Ashley said happily. The other guys all nodded. I giggled and smiled. "Layna you should get some sleep, we're gonna get on our way to LA for a show and you'll be up there singing with me." I smiled and nodded and I went to my new room and fell onto my bed and I fell asleep.
Time skip brought to the concert brought to you by Outlaw....
My P.O.V:
I smile as the crowd goes wild after Andy and I sing together. I look at him smiling. He nods and I do a scream like he would. The crowd went crazy and I smiled until a water bottle nearly hit my face "you missed me Robin Hood!" I yelled at him from the stage. "You see the thing is. We're up here and you're down there you sad motherfucker!" The crowd cheers loudly. "Could everyone who came here to listen to Black Veil Brides please turn around and look at this man right here." I point at the man. "On three could you awesome people yell fuck you?" I chuckled. "One! Two! THREE!!!" Everyone yelled fuck you at the man and I smirked. We finished the concert and I walked to back stage and wiped my makeup off when a young woman with bleach blond hair. I smiled at her and she said "hi I'm Juliet and if you dare make a move on Andy I will kick your ass." She glared and walked away. (Disclaimer I am fine with Juliet being with Andy and as long as he's happy their relationship is good.) 'what a bitch. How did a cool nice guy get with that? I love him.' I thought to myself. I smiled happily as I saw Andy walking in my direction. "Hey you did great up there." He smiled and chuckled. "Thanks Andy it was really really fun." I smiled brightly. I looked behind him to see Juliet glaring at me. "Uh I-I'm gonna go hit the hay...." I said awkwardly standing up. "Actually some fans have asked for your autographs." He said taking my hand. I smiled softly and blushed at the contact of his hand. "Okay." I smiled I followed him and smiled as some fans rush up and asked for my autograph. I smiled and signed everything i could before we had to leave. I was tweeting in my room when Juliet walked in. She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pinned me to the wall.
To be continued!

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