Morning's are really Hectic......

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                                                 Harry Styles is singing Drag Me Down on stage and is looking right at me! Just as he is about to reach down to grab my hand I start to feel something slowly tickle down my neck. at first since it doesn't make me uncomfortable or anything but suddenly a bucket full of the coldest water you can imagine is on my whole body.

                                                Startled, I find out that I am dreaming about yet another one direction dream that will never happen.

                                                " Wake Up!!  It's 7 in the morning! Don't you have school at 8" yells the voice on my personalized alarm that sounds like nails screeching on the chalkboard and also the same alarm is responsible for dousing me with cold water. Another stupid invention of my cousin.

                                                   "Oh shit it's 7 in the morning i think to myself. "weren't you supposed to wake me up at 6?" i yell to my mom as she is in the kitchen.

                                                  "You are not in kindergarten anymore you are in 10th grade. You need to start to learn to wake up on time without the help of anyone" yells my mother back.

                                                    "I so do not have the time for a fight right now. I am late!" i yell at my mother.

                                                   "Then stop yelling at me and go get dressed" she replies looking at my hair that looks like nest which was ripped down to shreds.

                                                   I, of course, like the obedient child I am listen to her and start to go get dressed. Just as I start brushing my teeth i realise that I haven't finished my science assignment which I have to submit today. And i haven't finished my maths homework and English homework either. Come to think of it you might be wondering what i did yesterday either. I don't remember that either. My mind is pretty blank at at the moment. 

                                                  "What exactly did i do yesterday when i came back from school mom?" I ask my mom. 

                                                 "You went to your cousins house. Don't you remember anything?" my mom asks me.

                                                 No wonder i don't remember anything. A trip to my cousins house is almost like drinking vodka and gin mixed together. Actually scratch the almost. It is exactly like drinking gin and vodka mixed together since that is what they do all day. You see I have two older cousin brother"s who are in college. Their parents are working  somewhere in Africa and my cousin's get sent a money order every month. In their house everything but studying takes place. But my parents don't know this so i am allowed to go there. They don't know about the drinking either.

                                               Back to my hectic morning. I cant seem to find my shoes either. Guess i am going to have to school in my sister's shoes but i really don't want to wear her's as they bring back lots of  memories. Just as I start to eat my breakfast the bus comes at the front of my house. So I run without eating any breakfast to the bus. On the bus is yet another whole new world.......................

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