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                                                                                 To my best cousin in the world... love ya......................    Thanks for your support..              ____________________________________________________________________________________

Thank God my history period is over I think to myself. I think to myself as the bell rings. I get out of class as fast as I can since it's my break and I need to get a new book about dance from the library. As I walk to my locker I see Greg standing in front of his locker. And in case anyone is wondering why he is there he has the locker right next to mine. It was kind of a silly thing we had when we liked each other that we had to have everything either together or as close as possible. Since we couldn't have the same locker we got one's that were the nearest to each other. When we broke up I tried to have it changed but the school wouldn't allow it so I am stuck with a locker next to his and of course a sure chance of seeing him class after class when I go to get my books. 

                                                                                        " Hey. How are you doing?" he asks me appearing out of nowhere.

                                                                                       "What part of I don't want to see you do you not get? I ask him losing my temper fast.

                                                                                       "Hey chill. I just wanted to ask you how you're dance and all is going. Do you still get to practice?" he asks me looking sad but still wanting to know.

                                                                                       "It's going great.  Now can you please mind your own business and find someone else to bother?" my heart aches as I say these words but it's nothing compared to how my heart broke some time ago.

                                                                                        "Sorry to have wasted your time"  he tells me and walks away looking like i actually stabbed him from the back. when in reality it was him who stabbed my heart.

                                                                                         I was busy talking to Greg that I didn't see someone who didn't know about my passion for dance standing behind me. 


                                                                                   "How come you never told me that you loved to dance? Why I never even knew you liked dance?" he asks looking at me.

                                                                               "I _ uh_ wanted_" I start stuttering like crazy. This usually happens when I am tensed and right now I would rather face a Trig test now than Alex.

                                                                                "And why does Greg know about it and I don't? I thought you guys broke up?" He asks looking confused.

                                                                               "Well the thing is that my passion for dance didn't begin recently." I try explaining.

                                                                             "Well if it didn't then how come I am just hearing about it now? That too from your conversation with Greg? Your so called ex?" he asks me.  I can see that he is starting to get angry and  trust me that it's not a pretty sight.

                                                                              " I didn't tell you because it was a secret between me and my sister. If i told you might have told mom and dad. My sister already tried to tell it to them and now look how it turned out." I told him.

                                                                              " And then you suddenly decided to tell Greg right? he asks.

                                                                              "I didn't mean to tell him on purpose. One day when I was practicing at home he decided to surprise me and I didn't have  enough time to hide the tracks and pictures. So I decided to tell him. I know it's stupid but it's actually the truth." I tell him.

                                                                           "And so you trusted him more than your best friend right?" He actually starts shouting.

                                                                         "He also loves to dance so I thought my secret was safe with him." I say not able to look him in the eyes. Why did Greg have to ask about dance out of all the days?

                                                                          " Wow great. And I actually thought that you considered me as your best friend. Turns out I was dead wrong." He starts walking away looking hurt than ever.

                                                                       "Hey I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just thought I would wait until i was on safer terms to approach this subject with my parents. I really am sorry Alex."

                                                                       But he just kept on walking... Like he hadn't even heard my apology...

                                                                      There goes the next person I care most about in my life. Why does this keep on happening to me? I think as I watch leave.



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