[Old] Chapter 3- Phone Call Night 2

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I sighed as I sat down in the chair. I jumped back up as ringing filled the office. I grumbled to myself as I pushed the blinking orange light and sat back down.
"Hello again! I you're hearing this, you've survived the first night! Congrats! Obviously the animatronics like you now. No promises that will last though, Boss doesn't like long-term employees." I sighed as I flipped through the cameras. Bajan was still in his room, mulling around. No one else had moved yet. I glared at the screen and listened for more from this Mat. "Sorry. I'm just- thinking. And I'm too lazy to do a second take. Listen, I shouldn't tell you this, but I'm going to anyway. Boss has had all those other employees killed. By the animatronics. So that way he can lure in the last of the Pack's friends. If you are one of their friends, especially Brandon, get out now. I don't care how desperate for a paycheck you are. You need to hide. He will have you killed. I'm being-" the phone was cut off by static and I stared at it nervously. I knew I should run, but I can't abandon them! "-hello? Did I fix it?" The voice that belonged to Mat asked through the phone. "Hopefully it's better now. Sorry, stupid recorder is old. Now, what was I talking about. Oh yeah, heh." Mat let out a nervous chuckle. "I was just talking about Brandon. You didn't miss much." I listened to him say this and felt my cheeks tint red. Mat still remembers enough about me to pointlessly talk about me? I'd be surprised if he still remembers what I look like. "This is probably a stupid thing to say, now that I think about it, but whatever. The reason why they kept me alive to draw in Brandon was because, well, I kinda fell for the boy. And they figured that that meant we had to have some sort of bond. We used to, back when our YouTube careers started. We just grew apart though and- Sorry. I'm getting all nostalgic again. Anyway, what else do I have to tell you?" I listened to the words and they made me melt. Mat- Mat liked me? Of all people, Mat liked me? I found it hard to believe, and I expected a chuckle and an I'm kidding. Something to tell me that I didn't mess up that much. I had a chance with Mat, and I ran off. Yeah, we'd be dead and stuck in robots, but we'd be together. I didn't want to believe it. "Give me a second to find where I put my notes." I listened to shuffling papers through the phone and flipped through the camera. Woofless was gone already, as well as Preston. I gulped and looked towards the door. I heard a knock on the wall outside and stood up to walk towards the door. "Here we are. Now, I don't know which animatronics Boss will try to convert over to killing mode, so be careful." I gulped as I looked out. Woofless held out his flower, looking ready to throw it sharpened-end first. I looked behind him to see an angry Preston. Woofless's eyes were a blood red but Preston looked normal. What was up with that? Woofless threw his flower towards me and I slammed the door closed once it was inside. "My guess is he'll go after the most-helpful animatronics first. So, whichever animatronics were helpful are probably going to try and kill you." I heard Mat say through the phone.
"Do you like my flower? It's for you. A gift. To apologize for the others. They don't like being stuck." Woofless crackled just as he did the night before. I listened as footsteps moved closer.
"I'm sorry. He doesn't want to hurt you. He can't control it." Preston croaked through the door. I heard a loud screech and pounding on the door. Was that Woofless? I listened as the pounding hit a different metal surface and a voice box whirred. "Okay you cactus. Your turn is up. Time to let someone else play!" Preston cooed with only a slight crackled.
"Alright, I think that's enough talking for tonight. Just be careful out there. Two animatronics are now bloodthirsty. I hope to hear from you again tomorrow!" Mat said as he finished his call. I missed so much because Rob was attacking, I hope it wasn't too important. I checked the cameras to see Woofless was closed away in the virtual reality area with Preston blocking the door. Tonight was going to be fun. And it was only going to get worse.

Sorry it was shorter than the first one, the phone calls aren't going to be nearly as long now. And it's too bad Brandon wasn't listening. He missed something really important.

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