Recording 1

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A loud ringing filled the office around me, causing me to jump. My eyes scan wildly for the source, and set upon a tablet before me. The screen held a blinking message, a reminder being the reason for the obnoxious alarm. I groan, picking up the tablet in front of me. I carefully read the blaring screen, wishing I knew how to turn down the brightness.

First Night Message!

The alarm was set for midnight, which confused me as to why it went off now. I notice the time to be two minutes before midnight, and decided I should probably check it. If the owners left this for me, the least I could do is read it. I click the banner across the screen, watching as it opens yet another blinding white page. I grimace, squinting to read the small black text.

Welcome to your first night on the job! Attached is a voice message that has been recorded for your convenience. Please listen carefully, and keep in mind all that is said. It is very important that you follow its instructions. Thank you for your employment here at The Pack's Arcade, and I hope you enjoy your night!

I tilt my head, processing the information momentarily. So, this is going to be important. Okay, I don't think I'll need to take notes. I should be good. Taking a breath, I click on the link. It opens another app on the tablet, and a voice memo begins to play.

"Hello? Testing testing. Hello- hello- hello- hello." The voice pretended to echo itself and I chuckled. I already like this guy. "Sorry, I'm a dork. You'll get used to it. Um, I guess I should start reading this script Boss gave me." The voice cleared its throat, and the rustling of paper could be heard. "Hello, my name is Mat, and I'm here to help you get comfortable." The voice became more formal, his tone becoming professional. "This is a pre-recorded voice message, no shit Sherlock," his voice returned to normal during his remark, "and so some things may have changed since this was recorded." He lets out a scoff before making another comment. "Ooh, bet you couldn't guess that." I laugh lightly, paying attention to the voice as it continues. "I'd like to congratulate you on your new job as Night Guard at The Pack's Arcade. The current employers will not take any blame for any loss and or damage of possessions or persons. Any loss and or damage should be reported to your Boss the morning after, so that a report can be filed. Blah blah blah, the rest of this is just legal stuff I'm not going to bore you with" The voice chuckled and I laughed along. I began to eye up the office, seeing what it had to offer. It came up to be very little, the only notable aspect was a plush, squared-off cake on the desk. Posters upon posters lined the walls, showcasing the animatronics or games. There was a broken fan on my desk that looked to have been smashed against something heavier than it, but everything in the room seemed unharmed. "As I hope you've realized by now, you have a tablet on your desk. This tablet has everything you'll need to watch as the night progresses. If you click the round button at the bottom of the tablet, it will bring you to a home screen. Feel free to do so, my voice message will continue to play." I did as I was asked, clicking off to the home screen. From here, I could see a few apps available. "As you see, there are a couple apps to choose from. The first you will be needing is titled Security. Open that, please." I clicked on the icon styled like a camera. It was odd. "Your screen should load up with the image of the front entrance. In the bottom right, you can see a series of boxes with numbers in some. That, is the layout of the Arcade. With that map right there, you can look through the various security cameras of the Arcade. And the reason you need that, is my next concern." He pauses, seemingly taking a moment to organize his thoughts. I take a deep breath.

"What's so bad?" I question aloud, listening as he finally starts.

"You see, the animatronics, the robots that entertain the kids during the day, are in free-roam mode at night. Boss says that those things can fry their wiring once the restaurant starts running on its backup generator. That's what you're running on. If I remember correctly, Boss said he'd leave one refill for the generator. So use the power wisely. You can see the percentage of power left on your generator in a separate app called Power. I wouldn't worry about it too much, but keep an eye out. The animatronics do not like losing power." I quickly clicked out of the Security app, instead checking the Power app. It pulled up large black numbers on a white background.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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