Moments~~Chappii 29

271 16 5

Not Edited. You've been warned.


"Yes alpha." I say as I try to get up, but my ankle gives out on me in pain. "Ahhhh"

"Raven." A new voice shouts. I look up to see Chase. Relief fills me. "What's wrong!" he asks as he pushes Dimitri away from me.

I look down and lift the hem of my dress. My ankle is swollen and red.

"I think that I twisted my ankle." I grit out.

"I-how did that happen?" he ask as he brush over it gently. I look over at Ryker. He was the one dragging me around in heels. "Of course." Chase says as he follows my gaze. "Well, I've got you." He says as he wraps his arms around me and picks me up bridal style. I could hear the low rumble of Dimitri's growl. I looked at him through my hair as Chase takes us out the room, his eyes keeping contact until I left the room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3



"Raven! Answer me, please!"


"What has he done to you?!"

"I-I did-nt want him to."


"I-I s-aid no."


"I fo-ught a-nd I-I failed."

"It wasn't your fault."

"I deserve this."

"No! Ra-"

"I deserve this. I deserve this. I deserve this..."


Raven's P.O.V:

"Let's go Raven." Chase huffs as he drags me toward the doors.

"Ugh, Chase!" I complain as he pushes through the doors. "I'm not even struggling, so why are you dragging me?"

Chase glances back at me and rolls his eyes. " Just in case."

"Ugh." I groan as we get closer and closer to her class.

"After you." Chase lets go of me and pushes me toward the open door.

"Oh thanks." I glare a him. "Such a gentleman."

I walk through the door just to be tackled by ruffles of pink.


I lean on my elbows as I look down at the girl. She looks up at me with a wide grin that's missing a few teeth.

"Woah there girl." Chase says as he scoops up the child and swirls her around while she screams to put her down.

"Crazy girl" I grumbled as I stood back up.

"You ready to go, princess?" Chase ask as he places Versity on his hip.

"Yup!" She said before frowning. "Wait no, I have to get something! Put me down."

Chase set her down, and the moment her feet were on the ground, she sprinted to the back of the class room.

"Okay then." Chase said looking confused.

"Momma!" Versity calls as she bounces to me with her hands behind her back.

"What's behind your back?" I ask as she looks up expectantly at me.

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