Chapter 28

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Ashton's P.O.V


Yesterday Jade scared the living crap out of me. I can't believe no one heard the glass break; it obviously  was glass. I can't believe she tried to cut again; she knows we all love her for who she is. Like she's a little sister to Mikey and Luke they'll do anything to keep her safe. I'm scared when she actually tells them it's going to kill them, it killed me to know she wanted to just because Vanessa was being a little bitch yesterday.

"Ashton" I hear Calum from the other side of the door.

"Yea, come in" I tell him and he walks in.

"Where's Jade?"


"Is she okay"

"Um, well she acting like it. You know she doesn't like showing how she is actually feeling so she puts a smile on. She thinks I haven't noticed that yet." Calum looks at me and shakes his head and right before he could say anything Jade walks in.

"Hey Cal how did you sleep?" She hugs her brother and smiles at him.

"Good Luke was laying on my legs all night and  Mar was laying on top of him; so there was no way for me to move him. What about you?"

"Umm...... I slept good. I've had better nights though. Cal I need to tell you something and can you bring the boys in here I don't want to repeat to everyone. I'll tell the girls later." She says and sits on my lap. Calum looks at her weird but says okay and goes to get the guys.

Jade's P.O.V


Calum walks out the room to go get everyone. I'm so scared. I'm happy I could be in Ashton's arms when I'm telling them this.

"You sure your ready love I mean, it only happened a few hours ago?"

"Yes Ash; I can't keep it from them its killing me." He just smiles at me and looks up when he see the guys walk in. I stared at the floor for a little so the guys could get comfy on the floor.

"What's up Jayda?" Mikey asks when he looks at me.

"Um, guys well you know how last night Ashton came running up the steps and was yelling for me to open the door?"

"Yes" they all say in unison.

"Well I kinda got mad, and you know how I am. Well I hit the mirror....."

"Are you Okay?" Luke cuts me off.

"Yeah, well pieces went everywhere big and small. Obviously Ash heard it and ran up stairs. He told me to open the door and I couldn't. I broke down and grabbed a piece of glass......" Tears started forming in my eyes and I got a huge lump in my throat. I was still sitting in between Ashton's legs, Mikey and Cal came to my side and grabbed my hands and Luke sat in front of me all their eyes were tearing up.

"Ash opened the door and grabbed the glass from my hand to carried my out of the restroom. I'm sorry; I just didn't know what to do and it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I promise not to try and do it again." I break down crying.

"Don't cry please we don't like seeing you cry. You're our little sister and you know we love you for who you are; and we love that you love to help with everything we do." Luke says trying to hold back from crying so I could stop.

"Yes we love you Jade. We don't know what we would do if we didn't have you here. We'd be singing some stupid ass covers if you didn't choose for us."

"Hey no swearing" Ashton says from behind me.

"I do what I want I'm punk rock" Mikey says.

"No your not you have pink hair" Calum says and slaps Mikey upside the head and I start laughing.

"We got her laughing now stay like that. We love your laugh and smile; don't let anyone take it away from you." Luke says. We all hug each other then the girls walk in crying.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Don't ever try again, please" Ty and Mar say in unison. Only they would listen to our conversation from the other side of the door. Mikey pulls Ty into his arms and Luke pulls Mar into his.

"I won't I promise. And it's not nice to eavesdrop" I smile.

"We're sorry but we wanted to know what happened last night."

"I was going to tell you guys"

"We love you" they say in unison.

"I love all of you" I look at everyone sitting around me. I'm so lucky to have them in my life.


A/N sorry I haven't updated but hope you like it and I'm pretty sure my best friend will end up editing my miss spellings. So yea hope you like it I'll be able to update a lot more. 

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