Chapter 23

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Vanessa's P.O.V


When I got to the hotel I called Andrew.


Vanessa-Hey what's up?

Andrew-Nothing much what about you?

Vanessa-Okay I know your mad at me but you can't stay mad at me forever okay I mad a mistake for leaving you I shouldn't have I have nothing here I lost my best friend or what I thought was my best friend and I don't want to lose you so if you could give me an other chance I swear it'll be different this time please Andrew.

Andrew-How do i know your going to change Vanessa you left me for an other guy where to what i could see didn't work out as you planned.  You know I have strong feelings for you than you do that to me like really you can't do that its either you love someone or you don't that's all i have to day.

Vanessa- I do love you i just didn't see it till what happened to me and Calum please give me another chance I'll show you that I've changed please.

Andrew- okay i will Vanessa but if you do the same thing to me again its over for good okay

Vanessa-OMG okay i won't disappoint you i promise that's the last thing i want to do i don't want to lose you again.

Andrew- Okay Vanessa I'm getting on the first flight there so we could see each other i was planing on going over there to win you back but i guess that was a lot easier than i thought it would be.

Vanessa-okay well i have to look up houses now so it would be easier when you get here. Bye my love.

Andrew- okay bye love.

*end call*


A/N- okay so here's an update sorry it took so long for an update im trying and i am rewriting one of my other books on here for a friend so it might take longer to update the two book i have on here already but i hope you guys like it. Love you all.

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