Chapter 20

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Mikey's P.O.V


The girls came running down the stairs screaming.

"What the fuck is going on" I yell

"We don't know all of the sudden we got a shit load of follower on twitter" they yell in unison. I'm happy for them but if it's the girls that are being rude to them and DM then rude things I will be so pissed of I'm not even kidding Jades like a little sister to me and Ty is my girlfriend I don't want them getting hurt or hated on.

"That cool guys " Ashton says while hugging Jade. We posted the video on youtube some girl apologized in the comments and some where pissed off at the girls who did that to the girls. After a while we heard a knock on the door I went to answer it, Luke and Mar everyone is here but Calum and Vanessa we haven't heard from them all day it's kinda wierd.

"We should make a cover guys" Luke says

"What about cal"

"Let's call him"

"He's with his girl"

"So we need to post a cover guys all of us are here but him come one please"

"I'll call him okay" jade butts in

"Cal come the boys want to make a cover"
"Okay I'm on my way see yeah in a bit"
"Okay bye"
*end of call*

"He's coming guys don't worry" she laughs wow only jade would laugh.


A/N- sorry guys it's short I just wanted to update before I go to church I'll update again and it would have more detail in it love you guys.bye

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