Chapter 19

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Jade P.O.V


When we were walking out of the mall a group of girls started screaming. Ashton and Michael pull us closer to them. Some of the girls pulled at our hair and called us bitches and sluts. Like why should they call us that we don't even know them. Some where yelling that they love Ashton and Michael. Ummmmm. Who the hell are these girls.

"Hurry guys get to the car" Ashton says holding me close.

"How could we all theses girls are surrounding us." Ty and I say together. We finally make it to the car and Ashton drives off making sure he doesn't hit anyone.

"Ash let me see your phone" I say

" Okay it's right there in the try why?" He ask

"So I could see how many views you have in that video you posted on youtube saying where we were." I say putting his password in Mikey and Ty where talking about how cray that was.

"Ash you have over 400,000 views and some of the comments are "I'm going to go see you" "hope to run into you" "I'm going right now so I could kiss you I don't care if your girlfriend is there" what the fuck okay that's just weird. But babe you guys are youtube famous."
"Okay most of those girls said really weird thing and Mikey did you here what they where calling the girls why would they call them that?" Ashton ask Mikey

"What did they call them I couldn't here anything cause all the screaming?" Mikey ask

"They called us bitches and sluts Mikey." Ty says.
"What the heck I'm sorry baby I would of told them something if I heard them." Mikey says looking at Ty.

"Its fine it was just today lets just go home before that happens again." Ty says. When we get home Ashton and Mikey go into the living room Ty and I go up to my room. Ty goes to her room so she could get her laptop then comes back into my room.

"That was crazy"

" I know it's was weird too don't you think Ty"

"It was very weird"

"I'm going to check my twitter and tumblr what about you Jayda?"

"Yea I should haven't been on for a few days" while Ty started checking her social media sites I put on some of the boys covers they did and some one direction song.

"Jade I have a lot of followers now" Ty says

"What do you mean you've always had a lot of follower" I say logging into twitter.

"No I mean in have 1,000,000 follower no I only had 200 followers"

"Well someone is famous too then." I say looking up at her while my twitter was loading.
"Check yours Jade I'm not joking"

"Okay okay hold up" I say laughing.

"Okay that just weird I have 1,002,000 but why?" I say with a confused look.

"The boys!" Ty screams.

"Yea but we are only in like 3 out of how many videos do they post"

"That's true well I don't know anymore but ehh" Ty says and starts sing to little things by one direction.

Ashton's P.O.V


Mikey and I decide to post a video to tell all the girls that it was messed up to call the girls that they are our girlfriends they need to respect them like they respect us.
*starts video*
"Hey guys it's Ashton and Mikey so today we went to the mall with our girlfriends Jade and Tyler when we were waking out of the mall we got a very confusing greetings by some of you girls but some of you guys were calling the girls bitches and sluts. That's not nice guys respect them like you respect us and we would really love that. We love you guys but we are just asking for that one thing."

We need the video and the girls come running down the stairs.


A/N- well yea hope you guys like it sorry I left with a cliff hanger but you'll have to wait for the next chapter love you guys.

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