Chapter 1

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Never Let You Go

Chapter 1:

I folded the small slip of paper, holding it against my chest for a moment before putting it in my pocket. I let out a small sigh, from the memory of the few words on the little paper.

I took a glance at myself in the mirror before picking up a box on the ground to carry out the door. The objects in the box shifted around with my movement as I set it down in the moving truck. I scooted it back, leaving space for the next few boxes as I felt a pinch on my sides. I gasped and jumped in the air, spinning around. Relief washed over me as I saw the culprit. "Jeez Drake! You scared the living life out of me!" I said as I hit his arm.  

"I think you could do better than that," Drake said, a smirk playing on his face. A forced smile let onto my lips. "Do you need any help?" He asked, moving in closer, maybe too close. I put my hands on his chest, lightly pushing him away.  

"Yes," I said, looking back at him. "It would be a great help if you'd leave." He frowned, ruffling his sandy blonde hair.  

"C'mon now you know you don't want me to go..." He said, leaning in close to my face.  

"Oh, but I do." I moved him out of the way to allow myself back into the house for more boxes.  

"Julie..." He complained, grabbing one of my hands to pull me back.

"I'm done with you Drake." I said matter-of-factly, prying my hand out of his grasp. "Now leave." I said, turning around to face him.

His face turned into anger, as he backed away into his motorcycle, driving away.

I smiled proudly as I walked back into my house, getting the last of the moving boxes.


"GET ON THE FLOOR, GET, GET, GET ON THE FLOOR, MY SWAGGERS IN CHECK" my phones ringtone buzzed Cher Lloyd's 'Swagger Jagger'.  

"Hello?" I asked, picking my phone up and holding it against my ear.  

"JULIE WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO BE HERE I CAN'T WAIT FOREVER!" Leigh screamed. Leigh was one of my best friends from high school, who moved to LA not soon after we graduated, whom I was moving in with.  

"Jeez calm down, I'm coming okay?! I still have one day left on the road!"  


"THAT'S WHY THEIR IS WHAT WE CALL A FRIDGE" I screamed back into the phone.  


I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Well I'm hanging up on you now before I get into an accident so BYE." I abruptly hung up the phone, throwing it on the seat next to me. GAWD. One day on the road... Alone.  

I frowned, needing something to fill my ears. I flicked the radio button, praying some good music would be on. The chorus to and Brittany Spears 'Scream and Shout' came on, making me grin. "THIS IS MY JAM!" I yelled to myself in the car. I probably seemed like some sort of idiot, yelling when there was no one else in the car. "SCREAM AND SHOUT AND LET IT OUT WE SAY OH WE OH WE OH WE OH" I turned up the music louder as I pumped one of my fists in the air, the other kept on the wheel. The radio got fuzzy, meaning I was about to cross the border from Canada into the US. I turned the radio down a notch for the moment as my moving truck pulled up in the line of cars waiting for their passports to be checked.

Once I passed the border, I started changing the dial to the radio until I found some good music. "And now, the top song in all of America!" The radio announcer said. I kept it on the station. "As long as you love me, love me..." Once I heard these words I Immidiatley turned the radio to a different station, just to get away from that voice. From that boy.  

Memories flooded back, as I quickly tried to push them out of my head.


I giggled as his arm hung around my shoulders. The scene of the field hung out in front of us, the view of our little town peeking through the trees. His plump pink lips kissed my cheek as he tugged me down on the grass.  

"I'm going to write a song for us..." Justin said, looking into my bright blue eyes.  

"Don't forget about me, okay?" I asked him pleadingly.  

"I won't." He said as he leaned in, pressing his soft lips against my own. My hands found their way to his hair, as my legs straddled his.

"Julie." He said in a worried tone, pulling away from the kiss.  

"Justin." I said, mimicking his worried tone.  

"You don't hate me right? For..." His voice trailed off.  

"For what?"  

"For having to leave you?" He asked. 

"Of course not, Justin. I want you to follow your dreams. I'm not going to let myself get in the way of your goals... because I care about you, I really do." I said, rubbing my nose against his.  

"I care about you too, Julie."


Ha, he never kept any of those promises. He called me for a few weeks, but then completely forgot about me. And then he did that other thing... But I brushed that off. It already took me long enough to forget about that.

I expected tears to come, my vision to blur, but that didn't happen. I mentally patted myself of the back for that.



The truck pulled up to the address I had written down on my hand. A sudden rush of excitement went through my body, I couldn't believe it. I was finally getting out of that small coped up town- with small coped up people. There was a gate leading in to the rows of complexes, with a small machine plugged in. As I drove up to the machine, I had to type in some number for which the gate to open. I looked down at my hand- where I had 4 digits written down.  

I typed in the numbers, as the gate slowly opened outward. I carefully manuvered the truck foreword, turning left towards the house I would be moving into. As I pulled up into the driveway, I heard the door open as Leigh walked up to my car window.  

"Hay gurl hayyy!!" She said, opening the door for me as I hopped out. I laughed at her form of greeting.  

"It's been so long!!" I said, hugging her tight.  

"I know, I know! But I have ice cream cake in the fridge for you and it's going to melt so hurry your arse up!" She said, tugging me into the door.  

I laughed as I was pulled into the house, taking a glance around. I gasped at the sight. Though it was small, I couldn't help but be awed. The decorating job was done beautifully, and the feel of the condo was so modern.  

"Oh... My god.." I said. 

"I know, I did a great job," Leigh said, pushing her long blonde hair back. I rolled my eyes.  

"You're so humble!" I said sarcastically.  

"I know." She said as she skipped towards the kitchen.  

She opened the door of the fridge, pulling out what probably was an ice cream cake.  

"Oh god..." She said, frowning as she glanced at the cake. "It's ruined!" Leigh cried, taking off some of the plastic.  

"It's okay!" I said laughing. "We'll get a new one!" I reassured her.  

Leigh pouted, walking towards the door.  

"But first, I want to get moved in!"

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