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Harumi prepared to change into her sleepwear, laying her over-sized tank on the mattress before taking off the clothes she had arrived in and casually tossing them next to her pajamas. She unbuttoned her undershirt, freeing her voluptuous chest.

Just as she did so, she heard an obscure scratching sound from above her. She eyed the ceiling boards suspiciously, but concluded that the sound must have been the result of animals in the old attic. Nonetheless, it unsettled her.

She heard a notably louder noise and her neck craned so she could examine the source. And then, directly above her, a single ceiling board was removed.

Her fellow first-year friend's cunning grin peaked through the dark space. "Hello there, Harumi."

A moment of uncomfortable silence filled the awkward atmosphere as the girl was peeling her clothes off of her curvaceous body.

She screeched, covering her breasts with her arm as her cheeks became ferociously red.

"Eheh, sorry." He said, not sounding very remorseful. Not only was he unconvincing with his voice, but he casually climbed from his spot in the ceiling space and stood behind her.

"Go away!" She cried, tears of embarrassment flooding in her sandy eyes. "Don't look!"

Clearly, Isshiki did not have an issue with the lack of clothing, seen as though he was wearing nothing more than his white fundoshi. Instead of leaving her alone, he retrieved her long tank and tossed it over her body.

She crumpled to the ground, holding her head in her hands as she sobbed, "I can no longer get married... I'm so indecent."

"That's silly." He scoffed jokingly. "You're too cute to be alone for the rest of your life." With confidence, he rested both of his hands on his bare hips.

"Just because you're comfortable being practically naked doesn't mean others are." She muttered, tracing a figure in the wood floor with a lazy finger.

He merely hummed and shrugged, not thinking much of the girl's insecurity.

Shyly, Harumi stood, holding her arms in front of her body as her face was still severely flushed. "Why were you in the ceiling, anyway?" She asked, her timidity obvious in her soft voice. "Our rooms are next to one another."

"Hm, I wonder..." The boy trailed as though he had no true answer. "Anyway, I wanted to personally welcome you to the Polar Star Dormitory." He flashed a cheesy grin, his eyes closing gleefully. "I was gonna have a party, but apparently, the other dorm members aren't up for it."

"O-oh, I thought you already welcomed me."

"It's not official until you try my food." Out of seemingly nowhere, Isshiki revealed a noodle dish with a leaf-like garnish. He introduced his dish as a fancy kind of ramen and waited for the girl's reaction.

She took the warm bowl from his hands and set it on the table in her room, already blushing by the mere smell. She caught a few golden-brown noodles with a pair of chopsticks and brought them to her lips, delicately slurping the wet grain.

As soon as the taste enveloped her tongue, she placed a small hand to her cheek in attempt to cool her flaming complexion. She released a pleased moan as the flavor not only encompassed her tongue, but her entire body as well, causing her to shiver in pleasure. The dish was captivating and mesmerizing, reflecting Isshiki in an odd way, but the thoughts still connected in the brunette's mind.

"It's delicious!" She commented before consuming more of the noodles. "My food can't even compare to how wonderful yours is."

"I don't think it's fair to compare our cooking style." He mentioned. "Your food is charming and gentle in an alluring way. It's different from mine. By the way, what is your specific cooking style?" He asked curiously, his cobalt orbs prying for information as she continued to drink the broth.

Espresso (Satoshi Isshiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now