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Harumi was paralyzed from surprise, her eyes left wide and unblinking as Satoshi's cobalt gaze seemed to pierce her racing heart.

His brows furrowed worriedly upon the girl's silence. Inside her mind, she heard herself shouting 'I love you, too.' But her lips wouldn't move, too baffled from shock.

He leaned away from her, not daring to touch her again. He wore a smile, but there was obvious sadness and disappointment behind it. He released a short sigh and stood as he murmured, "Sorry." With that, he retreated back into the cabin.

"No." The girl finally muttered, feeling overwhelmed with guilt over her hesitant reaction. He didn't realize she was overly surprised, and not rejecting him, and she surely didn't want him to feel so denied.

She was suddenly scared; worried that with her stupid reaction, he wouldn't bother to give her another chance.

She quickly stood and rushed into the cabin, searching for the sulking boy in the fashionable place. After searching through every other room, she finally found him in the bedroom. He sat limply on the mattress, his shoulders and neck sagging gloomily.

"Satoshi." She panted, her eyes showing her sympathy and regret.

He looked up at her, a tear streak painted on his cheek and the glossiness of water shining over his tired blue orbs. Nonetheless, he forced himself to smile.

She mustered her courage and briskly approached him, placing stern hands on his broad shoulders. She leaned down, turned her head, and returned the kiss he had given her.

After the initial surprise, Harumi could feel Satoshi's lips curve into a gleeful smirk against her own. Suddenly feeling embarrassed, she parted from him with deeply flushed cheeks.

With a cheeky grin, he tugged on the back of her knees, causing them to buckle around his waist. He wrapped his arms around her back, keeping her body close so that she couldn't escape now that he was confident that their feelings were mutual.

She squeaked in shock as her face became redder.

But the boy was brimming with joy, his brilliant blue eyes shining stunningly, illuminated with bliss. He pinched her cheek playfully. "You're so cute when you're flustered."

"Shut up." She huffed shyly.

"Are you gonna make me be quiet?" He teased.

She pouted, knowing he was mocking her embarrassment. "You're mean."

He chuckled. "You're the one who rejected me."

"I didn't reject you!"

"You did." He sung jokingly.

"I just kissed you!" She defended with bashfulness.

"Kiss me again."


"That was a quick rejection."

"I-I mean... i-it's really emb-barrassing..."

"No one else is here. There's no reason to be shy."

Harumi hesitated to speak, trying not to look into his pleading blue eyes.

Satoshi chuckled to himself. "Can I hear you say it, then?"

"Say what?" She mumbled.

"Something along the lines of 'will you be my boyfriend,' or 'I love you, Satoshi,' or even 'kiss me, Satoshi." With every phrase, he mimicked an obnoxious, high-pitched voice teasingly.

"That's really humiliating."

"I love you, Harumi."

If her face could become a darker shade of red, then it would have upon hearing his words. She heard them before, but never thought of them in the way he meant.

Espresso (Satoshi Isshiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now