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Several weeks passed without anything unusual happening. The Polar Star Dormitory was just as it typically was: Energetic, obnoxious, and active.

Yet, it fell rather quiet when the ninety-second generation left for the Stagiaire event. In the spirit of learning, Harumi decided to take on a temporary part-time job at a local cafe outside of her classes. Thus, she wasn't at the dorm or with Satoshi often even though he frequented the cafe she was working at. And when she was back at the dorm, she spent a lot of time either sleeping or experimenting with flavors in her coffee room.

But when the first-year students returned to the dormitory, the pace increased. Yukihara participated in relentless Shokugekis and was victorious in all of them.

And after the infamous Autumn Leaf Viewing event, the air was tense. The brunette assumed that the first-years had a similar encounter with the Elite Ten to the one that she had. Satoshi seemed to be the only approachable member of the notable council.

But the second-year boy was determined to lighten the mood and excite his fellow dorm-mates. News of the upcoming Moon Banquet Festival had spread, and embracing the theme of youth, he introduced the idea of running a booth with all of the Polar Star members.

Unfortunately, everyone declined, except for Harumi who had nothing better to do in particular. The previous year, Satoshi had done the festival with a few of the students in the Elite Ten, but this year, they were running individual booths.

They were booked to serve in most profitable part of the Festival -- the Mountain View. And with only a few people to help them, they were definitely busy with wealthy customers.

They were in high demand, and the customers adored Harumi, finding her cute and charming and praising her often. Satoshi watched as her confidence grew throughout the festival and her personality bubbled brightly. He grinned to himself, his happiness coming from the girl's joy.

On the fifth day, during a portion of time where the customer rate was low, he told the brunette that she could go to the main area and observe booths in that area, as well as check on Yukihara and Megumi. She happily agreed and left the boy back in the Mountain View.

Harumi was aware that her dorm-mates' booth was located across from Kuga's Chinese restaurant and knew that if she could find the superfluous place, she would locate her friends' humble stand. Surely enough, it didn't take long to discover the temple-like structure that seemed ridiculous for the festival-like event.

She sighed in disapproval at Kuga's station and proceeded to wait in the extensive line for Yukihara's booth. There were several other individuals helping him besides Megumi, all of which the second-year had observed in the Autumn Election, so she could connect the names and faces.

"Ah, Harumi-senpai!" Megumi gasped pleasantly when she reached the front of the booth.

She grinned. "Hello Megumi, Yukihara." She acknowledged the two, and turned to the rest of the students helping with the station. "I remember you all from the Autumn Election as well."

"Who's she?" The blonde boy who outwardly rivaled Yukihara -- Takumi Aldini -- questioned. He had clear blue eyes that would be the only pair that the girl witnessed that may compete with Satoshi's gaze.

"I'm Harumi Sayuri, a second-year student. I'm in the same dorm as Yukihara and Megumi." The brunette introduced herself with a respectful bow. "Is the Eighth seat giving you trouble?" She wondered aloud, fully sympathetic and understanding of the pressure the group may be under.

"He was." Megumi admitted. "But I think that we've got him today."

The brunette took a moment to look at the food they were offering and quickly ordered, "I'll have the Mapo Curry Noodles." She very well knew that this dish was going head-to-head with Kuga's prized creation, and through to the end, she would always support Yukihara instead.

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