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"Katy?" He calls from the on suit bathroom. "Yeah honey?" Katy calls back.
"Why don't we go out for dinner this evening with your parents and Angela?" He asked, as he walked back into the bedroom where Katy lay, on the bed in her gingerbread onesie.
"That is a nice idea, yeah should I give them a call and see if they are free?, what time shall I say?"

" umm," John thinks for a minute " tell them we will pick them up at 7:30" Katy gets out her phone and looks up mom&dad on her contacts and phones her childhood home in Santa Barbara.
"Where are we going to?" Katy questions.
" Now that, Miss Hudson, is a secret" John reaches over and places a gentle kiss onto Katy's lips and leaves the room. Leaving Katy with a huge smile as she phones her parents.

Once Katy was finished on the phone to her parents, explaining about their dinner this evening. She could smell food being cooked, Katy couldn't figure out what food altogether, but could definitely smell pancakes. Katy loves pancakes.
Katy hopped out of bed and placed her spotty dressing gown on over her Pyjamas and slipped her black and white Adidas slides on her feet.
Katy reached the bottom of the stairs of her French decorated house in Hollywood and was greeted by her 2 cats, Kitty Purry and Monkey.
"Good morning kittens" Katy greeted them, petting their heads "are you hungry?"
The 2 cats let out a meow, " I'm guessing that's a yes then, come on then let's feed you"
Katy walked into the kitchen and placed some cat food into the 2 bowls and placed them onto the floor for the two cats.

Katy sneaked behind John and placed her arms around his waist and her head on his back. " I love you Mr Mayer"
John turned around and placed a kiss onto her head " I love you too, I have made you breakfast, pancakes with Nutella and strawberrys, your favourite. Also I made you coffee with extra vanilla"

Katy giggles, "thank you Cutie" as she reached up and placed a kiss onto his lips.

They both Sat down at the table and was talking, about everything. About life and how they are going to be spending their anniversary, which is in a short few days.

"Why don't we go to Montana next week?" John asked seriously.
"I'd like that, it sounds good, and it'll be nice to get away from the city life for a bit" Katy said with pancake in her mouth causing John to just giggle at her.
"What about if we go... Tomorrow morning?" John looked at her, hoping she will say yes.

Johns PoV.

I have been planning asking Katy to marry me for a while. I think it would be nice if I do it in Montana, which is our favourite place to visit, for us to get a way for a while to breathe and to reflect on life.
I have to ask her father first, I am going to do this the right way,make it as romantic as possible, he thought to himself.

"John?" ...Katy called, causing John to snap back into reality.
"Huh?, sorry I spaced out then".
Katy giggled at how cute he was, "I would love to go tomorrow John"
"Great!" He said all excitedly. Causing Katy to giggle even more,
he's cute when he's exited, she thought.
"Can we go out today to get something nice for me to wear this evening?" Katy gave John the puppy dog eyes, he hated shopping because he would always end up sitting on the "men's bench" as he calls it, because Katy can shop forever and it sometimes get boring.

"Sure" he sighed "YAY, I'll go get ready" Katy hopped of the chair at the dinner table and headed towards her room to get ready. John headed towards the room just after her to get ready also.

1 hour, 6 or 7 outfit changes later, Katy is finally ready. "Do I look okay?" She asks. "Beautiful, like a princess" John says. "You know, we are only going out shopping... " John mentions, which caused him to get a playful slap on his arm from Katy.

Katy is wearing a knee length skater type of floral dress ,black tights and black Chelsea boots with her black parka coat. " it's pretty cold out today,considering its California" Katy says, "wait until you reach Montana then babe, it's going to be even more cold" John laughs.

After a 20 minute journey, Katy and John reaches rodeo drive, in Beverly Hills. Katy's favourite place because they have Chanel, her favourite shop. "Can we go into there first?" She asks as she points to the Chanel store. "Go ahead beautiful" John said as he lets Katy lead the way.
Katy walks into the store and looks around, she walked over to the clothing section of the store and picks up a dress. "How about this?" Katy asks John as she holds up the dress for John to see. " lovely, why don't you try it on?" John says, Katy nodded and handed him her Chanel handbag as she goes into the changing rooms.

After a few moments, Katy walks out with the black cocktail dress on, classic dress to the knee. John looks at her and says " I think that's a winner, you look hot m'lady" he winks. Katy giggles and says " I like it a lot, I think I'm going to wear this tonight for the dinner. Katy walks back into the changing room to change back into her clothes.
While waiting, John got. His iphone out and decided to have a scroll through Twitter and tweet:
Johnmayer: shopping somehow isn't a nightmare today with m'lady ;) only if every trip was this easy.

John hit post, a moment later he heard Katy's phone go off "HEY!" Katy calls from the changing room "am I that bad most of the time to go shopping with" she giggles as she walks out from the room.
" you have notification posts of my tweets?" John aks, with his arms folded. " I like your tweets" Katy smirks.

Katy and John continue to look around shops for a while and then decided to get a Starbucks before they head home. "Can I have a vanilla grande latte with soy milk and a coffee with almond milk to take please?" Katy asks and passes over some money to the employee. "Can I take names please" the employee asks. Causing Katy to have to think on the spot, trying to not blow her cover, " Emma and Charles" Katy says. "Thank you" the employee says, John is behind Katy laughing at the names she picked for them.

They waited for their order before walking back to the car to head home. "Thank you for taking me out honey" Katy says to John, placing a kiss onto his cheek as they walk hand in hand. "You are very welcome. Princess" returning the kiss.

WHAT TO DO YOU THINK?... (It's my first so be nice haha). If you would like to contribute any ideas, just let me know :) sorry for any grammar mistakes etc, next chapter will be up shortly.
Sarah xox

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