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John and Katy arrived in Montana a few hours ago. The plane ride was pretty good. No turbulence and they were both happy.
"Katy" John yells up the stairs. Where Katy is in the bedroom getting ready for a picnic, "yeah babe?" She yells back. Katy walks to the top of the landing to see what John wants. "I'm going to set the picnic up, stay here okay?" He smiles and winks "okay babe" Katy goes back to the bedroom to get ready. " I love you John!"she yells  before hearing John saying " I love you too!" Before walking out with the picnic basket and a large blanket.

John was out in the big field. He took out his phone, he recently made plans with both sides of the family that he would periscope the proposal, he phoned them a few hours ago to say to be ready at a certain time. The opened the ap and pressed live.

"Hey guys... " he waits for people to enter the room, the room was full of fans of both Katy and himself and of course the family.
"So..Here's the thing" he sits down, "I'm about to propose to Katy. She doesn't know... So it's a secret okay?, but I'm going to do it with the periscope on. Hopefully she says yes.." He giggles nervously. He reads the comments as they explode with fans freaking out. He giggles at them and smiles.
"I'm going to place the phone by the tree, you can see us but we can't see you.. Hopefully she won't notice the phone." John sets up the picnic. He lay down the picnic blanket and opened the basket where there was wine and food. All of the food was their favourites. Tacos, pizza and cake. Their kind of a romantic perfect dinner.

"Right guys, I'm going to go get her. Be right back" he smiles at the phone. Before walking off into the country house. The scenery was beautiful, there was moose (his dog) laying on the grass fast asleep. The mountains was clear and the grass was greener than ever. John opens the door "okay princess, I'm ready!" He yells. Hearing a big giggle from his girlfriend as she walks downstairs. " you look beautiful" he says. She was wearing a summery dress, her recently ombré hair was curly and bits was pinned back. "Thank you, you don't look bad your self sir" she smiles. " may I have your hand?", Katy places her hand into his and walks outside towards the picnic.

"You sit here" he escorts Katy's over to a certain spot. Which secretly, the camera was placed near, the people in periscope could see her, but she didn't notice.  John sat in front of her, he was nervous. But tried not to show it. "Would my lady like some wine?" He asks. " of course my sir". John passes Katy a glass and he pours the wine into two glasses. "To... Life.. And this beautiful day" he smiles as he raises his glass. "Life"Katy smiles as she raises her glass to his.

The couple sat on the grass admiring the view, giggling and smiling. John gently takes her glass from her and places both of them on the blanket, and looks back at her. Katy was curious what was happening. "Katy" he starts. John takes her hands in his, " I love you very much, since the day we have changed my life, brought happiness to my life. I can't think of a day without you, I was thinking"John reaches into his pocket, picks out a red box. " will you marry me?" He asks, opening the red box.
Katy was sat there in shock, processing the information he just said and the question he just asked. Katy smiles " yes!, I'll marry you!" She smiles. John places the shiny ring onto her finger. "I love you" she says. "I love you too princess," they shared a passionate and loving kiss. John reaches over to the phone, where the periscope was live, the chat was going crazy. "It's live?" Katy asks, "yeah it is. The family was watching" he says and smiles at her. "The family knew you was going to do this?" She looks at him "yeah, I wanted them to witness this" he smiles.  "You're so sweet" placing a kiss onto his lips. " there's fans too!" She says happily, "Hi kittens!".

"Show them your ring"John asks. Katy raises her hand up to the phone and shows them the ring "now guys that's the end of the periscope, I'm going to spend time with my fiancé" he laughs, and Katy smiles while resting her head on his shoulder.
"You're amazing" she smiles,
"I can't believe we are actually doing this"he says, "I honestly thought you would have said no" he looked at her, not sure what she would say. "I love you John, that's all that matters" she crawls into his arms that he opened, resting her head into his chest.

They sat on the grass, ate pizza and tacos, thinking about the future, until it was dark.

It's short, I know. I hope you like it 😊 let me know if you would like any special kind of chapters

Xo Sarah.

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