Chapter 2

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Kuri floats in nothingness as she sleeps. Her dream self looks around to see many many souls in the transparent city of Angel's Domain. She sees Kayci's soul, and as she looks down, the number of souls she sees increases tremendously, and she can even see her grandmother's soul. Kuri's dream form floats to the mirror and looks at herself. She's dressed in the same outfit as that day but somehow she's different. Her wings have blue highlights and swirls along them. Kuri looks at her hair, as it sets in the ponytail and frowns as she looks boredly at her sidebang. Time for something new. She opens her hand, thinking to herself, «Come on. Shouldn't I be able to create scissors? It IS my mind!» she concentrates hard until finally a pair of scissors appears in her hand, «Aha! Yus!» she fixes her hair right, like she used to see her grandma do when she was little, and cuts it to give herself bangs. Her highlights now grow on the edge of her bangs with one in the middle. Kuri smiles, «Ooooh! That looks good!» she thinks and looks around then back down to earth. She dives down to the ground, going through the floor and beneath the city to the world. She floats above smiling as she glides carelessly in the dream and the lights of the sleeping human souls pass below her like dew drops in the moonlight. She laughs and flaps her basically helpless wings and she flies in the dream, coming to a large mansion, «Oh wow! That mansion! It looks so fancy and so... What's the word?» she tilts her head and rests her head in her hands, her palm to her cheek while the other hand holds up her elbow in somewhat of an 'L' shape, «I know it's something.... One side is exactly like the other... What the heck is that word?! Oh well. I'll think of it later, right now, I'll take a look!» she floats around and looks in the windows. Stopping at one, Kuri levitates in and glides over a boy with black hair that has three white, horizontal stripes on the left side of his head. Kuri moves closer and looks at his soul, «Hmm... I wonder what would happen if I just....» she reaches towards it and touches it with the tip of her finger. She is suddenly sucked in, «Wah!!!» she screams as she gets pulled into his dream. The angel stands in a dark place with nothing in it, "This is the guy's dream? Jeez, I thought cuties were supposed to have cool dreams..." Her eyes widen as she realizes she can finally talk, "About time! Now then. Where is he?" She looks around and sighs when suddenly someone grabs her arms behind her and puts their arm to the back of her head, making her bend forward a bit. She seems surprised at first but then just feels annoyed, «Is this guy for real?» she thinks.
"Who are you and why are you in my dream? Or more importantly, HOW are you in my dream?"
Kuri huffs a sigh, "Listen, I would appreciate if you let go of me, and to be honest, I don't know why or how I got here. I just sorta.... Am.... It's hard to explain... Now let go." She holds still and grows slightly annoyed.
"Hmm... I don't know... How can I trust you?"
"Okay, first off, this is a dream, two, I'm an angel so honesty is a big thing with me and thirdly, I have about twenty pounds of pure feathered muscle on my back and I know how to use them so you may want to respect my wishes and let go." she says only half sure about that last part, since she has no clue how to use them in the waking world, but in a dream she might be able to control them with her mind. Kuri feels the pressure on her arms lift and she straightens up, turning around to face the boy. He looks at her and crosses his arms, "Now tell me, who are you and why are you here?"
She puts a hand to her head and sighs before dropping her arm back at her side, "I'm Kuri and I honestly don't know how to explain it. I sorta.... Flew here and..... Poked your soul and it kinda..... Sucked me in....." she says rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. Kuri looks at him and then back at the area. Nothing but a black empty room.... Nothingness. She looks back at him with a questioning look, "Do you not have dreams?"
"Not since I was little."
"That's sad."
He tilts his head, "How so?"
"Well dreams are supposed to be fun. A person works all day so when it becomes time to sleep, dreams should be their escape." Kuri looks around with a frown, "Anyways, this darkness is starting to get to me soooo...." The area changes to a scene in a grassy field, with a bright blue sky and chirping birds. The slight breeze blows a wave of dandelion seeds I to the air like confetti floating softly to the ground. Kuri sits on a cloud and smiles, "So what did you say your name was again?" She asks.
He looks at the beautiful scene with awe before turning back to her, "I never told you to begin with. I'm Lord Death's son, Death the Kid, but you can call me Kid." he says straightening his posture. He eyes her carefully and gasps a little, "You..." His eyes grow wide as he pulls a ruler out of nowhere and starts using it to measure her hair and nose on either side of her face and head before grabbing her face with large sparkling eyes, "You're symmetrical!! Perfectly symmetrical!!" He smiles and switches his weight from one foot to the other excitedly.
Kuri tilts her head, "Symmetrical?" She asks, «The heck is his deal?» she clears her throat, "So. Eh. What do you wanna do in this dream?" She asks changing the subject.
Kid's expression returns to the way is was before and he thinks, "I'm not sure. Aren't dreams supposed to be wild and chaotically random?"
"Hmm. I'm not sure. I think this dream link thingy gives us control over it." she says creating a cloud the same size as hers and puts it in front of her. She sits up and pats the cloud, "Have a seat and tell me about yourself!"

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