Chapter 14

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Cool night air blows in softly through the window's screen as crickets chirp in the decoration flowers on the window sill. Barbara stands downstairs cooking in the late night, the ticking of the grandfather clock seeming to echo through the house. The elderly angel turns around to face from the stove, on which fire sprouts like a little blue flower of flame. The petals lap the air hungrily as a strong breeze blows in through the window, slamming a cabinet shut, spooking the grandmother and making her wings open quickly. She accidentally knocks over an open bottle of olive oil, spilling into a pool on the white tile. A stream of it separates from the puddle and runs to the blue flower of flames. The fire touches the syrupy liquid and quickly speeds up the stream to the puddle where it grows larger. The flames begin hungrily climbing the walls, enveloping them in orange tongues like autumn leaves. Barbara turns around quickly, feeling the heat radiate from the wooden wall and up to the cabinet. Her eyes widen, and her pupils grow small at the bright light of the fire, her brown irises growing large as she steps back, "F-fire. FIRE!!! FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!" She screams repeatedly, trying to get the attention of the four upstairs.
Onami catches the words in her ears and she sniffs the air. "I think we should get out." Onami says, oddly calm for the particular situation they will soon find themselves in.
Mangey's eyes open, "Wha?" She asks still groggy.
Kuri lays passed out sleeping heavily.
The blonde looks at her meister, "She's a heavy sleeper..."
Madeline sits, wide awake with being a bit of an insomniac. "I smell roasted potatoes." she yawns
Kani sits up and looks around, "F-fire?"
Kuri hears the word and finally sits up dizzily, "Fire? Oh crap. Guys we need to get out!" She grows wide awake.
Onami automatically grabs Kani and puts him under her arm, then she walks over to the window. "No, I just thought we could all sit here and roast marshmallows." Onami says sarcastically, but not very well, before opening the window with her free hand.
Kuri gets up and walks to the window with Mangey who slips out through it and lands on the sidewalk below.
Onami quickly follows, landing with her knees slightly bent and she lets Kani stand. Madeline peaks out the window.
Kuri picks up Madeline, "Onami, catch her, okay?"
Onami derps, holding out her arms. Something almost forces her to put her arms back down and let Madeline land on the sidewalk, but she ignores that sudden urge.
The angel picks up the young girl, "Ready?" She holds her out the window.
"It wouldn't be the first time I fell from a window. Yeah." she smiles.
Kuri lets the young girl go, letting her fall to the sword's arms.
Onami catches her. "Yay! I didn't let you die!" she chirps. Madeline blinks.
"Um... Thanks?"
Kuri tries to slip out but finds herself unable, "I. I can't fit. My wings are too big. I'm gonna go get grandma and try the front door."
"CHICKENS!" Onami shouts.
Kuri runs back in and down the stairs. She stops to see fire enveloping the room making the area glow a bright orange.
Barbara stands holding the front door open, "Kuri! Come on, dear!"
The young angel runs through the flames to her grandmother and they both run out to the others.
Mangey walks over and pats out the flame on Kuri's left wing, leaving a dark burn mark.
Onami looks at the burn mark and walks over, sniffing it. "It smells like fried chicken..."
Madeline looks at the burning building and concludes, "I think we should try to put it out." Madeline blinks, then gasps before checking her inside pockets.
Kuri looks over, "Something wrong?"
Madeline slowly begins to panic, her pupils shrinking. "It's still in there..." Madeline murmurs, remembering that when everyone went to sleep, Madeline took out the Journal and wrote in it before leaving it on the table for the night. "IT'S STILL IN THERE!" she shouts.
Mangey turns into a cheetah and jumps up, climbing into the window. She slinks over to the stand and bites it in her jaws, jumping back out.
Madeline slowly calms down. "Thank... you." she breathes.
Kuri feels her neck to find the necklace still there with its charms, "My necklace is still here. That's good."
Onami feels her face. "My face is still here. So's my coat."
'Why don't you take the opportunity of this to get more souls for me, eh?" Runa hisses. 'Hane's soul should be the last one I need.'
Onami blinks, somewhat puzzled. "Need for what?"
No response.
Kuri hears her, "Is Runa okay, Onami?"
"Umm.. I don't know... she said she needs Hane's soul last for whatever she needs." Onami says.
Kuri sighs, "Well we need to track him down. He was recovered by other dark angels."
The house in front of them collapses as the fire weakens the support beams.
Madeline jumps. "NOPE!" She looks at the house.
Barbara sighs, "Looks like it's back to Angel's Domain for me."
Kuri frowns, "But where will we stay?"
"What about Kid? He's got a huge house." Mangey suggests derpily.
"No way. I'm not going to bug him with my problems."
"Well, i'd let you guys live with me, but my house is too far away, and even if it was close by my mom and step dad would be a little weary to see me come home with an angel, a shapeshifter, a little boy and a werewolf. No offense." then Madeline remembers. "But my dad should live close to Death City last time I checked."
"We can all live in a box together." Onami says creepily.
Kuri looks at her, "Eehhhh... No.... Let's go find a motel at least. Grandma, why don't you head on up and go see if uncle Bank will take you?"
The old angel lifts an arm to show a bracelet with charms like Kuri's.
She pulls off the silver pegasus and opens the portal, "Be careful. Make sure to come visit okay?" Barbara says stepping through.
"We will dominate the world until then, malady!" Onami says, determined.
"Bye!" Madeline smiles.
Mangey waves, "See ya!"
Onami watches as the portal then closes. "I am always amazed at how we have not yet broken the laws of physics yet."
Mangey lifts a tub of what looks like butter, "I can't believe it's not butter!"
Kuri bops her, "Stop. No. Bad. We're not sponsored so I don't wanna get in trouble for copyright."
"Margarine is actually worse for you than butter." Onami states.
The blonde throws the tub into flames, "Now the fire has diabetes."
Kuri sighs with an amused grin at the statement.
Madeline blinks. "Um... Did I go insane just now and I'm actually slaughtering millions of people right now?" she looks around.
The angel looks at her, feathers rising with rage, "What?"
"I have no idea what just happened. She got a tub of fatty poison out of nowhere, now fire has the ability to get diabetes, I obviously lost my-" Onami grabs hold of her face and strokes her head.
"You're just tired." Onami smiles.
"What? Of course I am, but I can't sleep."
Onami pats her head. "I can help!"
"Wait, wha-" Madeline is instantly knocked out with a pressure point hit to the elbow.
Kuri's feathers lie flat, "She's lucky she's asleep now. She said the trigger word and I was about to go nuts."
Onami suddenly gets defensive and hisses at Kuri. "She didn't mean it. You ain't gonna do nothin' to her." Onami then points two fingers to her eyes, then points them back at Kuri. "I be watchin' you. LIKE A PANCAKE!!!"
The angel sighs, "Let's go find somewhere to sleep."

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