My Favorite Couples In A Clothes ?!?!

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Love to write : okay you know that picture with the cats that my home screen is it Kawaii!

TigerAnimeGirl2935 : get to the dare aready

Love to write : calm down I know you want to be in closet with Hibiki so calm down or you want to play 7 mins in heaven

TigerAnimeGirl2935 : your making me blush ^////^

Love to write : here a paper with your partner so find them . Here so rule they apply to everyone especially you yep I'm look at you Hibiki and you too TigerAnimeGirl2935  and PG - 13 I REPEAT PG-13 Okay

Everyone : okay

Love to write : into the clothes you go

A Few Hour Later ....

Love to write : you can go now . Wait why is TigerAnimeGirl2935  not here Hibiki if you did soming to her I with kill you with my Frost

TigerAnimeGirl2935 : *nosebleed * 😍

Love to write : you live for now Hibiki ask more questions and dares in the comments and bye guys

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