Love to write and Lyon Date ?!

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Before the date ...

Love to write: hey guys today I'm going on a date and I didn't like what TigerAnimeGirl2935 she choose I should wear on this date !

TigerAnimeGirl2935 : it's cute !

Love to write: whatever let's go on this date

Love to write and Lyon at the movies

Lyon: what movie do you want to see ?

Love to write: what about ... Divergent?

Lyon : sure , two tickets to Divergent.

Movie worker ( aka Hibiki disguise as a movie worker ): oh my bad that all sold out . But I know someone who can help

Other movie worker( aka TigerAnimeGirl2935 disguise as a movie worker) : there this new movie from the makers of Divergent series called Insurgent

Lyon: sure then ! What you think ?

Love to write: I'm okay with that

After the movies...

Lyon: can I walk you home ?

Love to write: sure !

At love to write house... 

Love to write: thanks for the movie * kisses Lyon on the cheek * bye ! * shut the door *

Lyon: bye * walks home*

Hiboko: mission done ! Ask more questions and dares in the comments and Bye!!!

Mirajane: did I miss it ?!

TigerAnimeGirl2935 : yes .

Mirajane: noooo! I try so hard too !

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