Love to write:*whispers * hey guys me and Lyon ...
Lyon:*whispers* hey guys
Love to write: ... *whispers* We going to spy on the couple ... Hiboko on there date today
Love to write and Lyon hide behind a big rock on the beach while Hiboko try to find a spot for there picnic
TigerAnimeGirl2935 : right here is fine . What you think Hibiki ?
Hibiki: it fine for me
TigerAnimeGirl2935 : okay !
Love to write: what you think there going to do next?
Lyon: I don't know
After TigerAnimeGirl2935 and Hibiki ate
TigerAnimeGirl2935 : the sunset is pretty isn't?
Hibiki: yeah . But not as pretty as you .
Love to write: awww !!!
TigerAnimeGirl2935 looks at the rock where love to write and Lyon were hiding but before she look Lyon push love to write down in the sand
TigerAnimeGirl2935 : huh ! I though soming was there ?
Hibiki: maybe it was a animal?
Love to write was in the sand and Lyon was on top of love to write then they kisses
TigerAnimeGirl2935 : you know there here right ?
Hibiki: right ! You want to take pictures of them
TigerAnimeGirl2935 : you know me so well !
TigerAnimeGirl2935 and Hibiki crawl over the rock and tokes pictures of love to write and Lyon kissing
TigerAnimeGirl2935 : ask more questions and dares and ...
Hiboko: bye !!!!
Fairy Tail Q and A / Dares(COMPLETE)
Short StoryIt a question and answer/ dares so please ask questions for Fairy Tail or the Author ( love to write )