Double Date 2 ?!

16 0 14

Love to write: hey guys before I start check out TigerAnimeGirl2935  Hiboko story and she having a Lemon story competition so check that out so this double date 2 let's do this

Hiboko and Myon go to the restaurant after the restaurant they walk home together... Inside the house

Love to write: isn't there a storm today ?

Hibiki: I think so

TigerAnimeGirl2935 : maybe we should stay here for tonight if that happens

Lyon: maybe we watch the news

TV: there going to be a thunderstorm tonight so stay inside!

Love to write: ... Th... Excuse me TigerAnimeGirl2935 where the bathroom?

TigerAnimeGirl2935 : over there .

Love to write: thanks .

Hibiki: what was that about ?

TigerAnimeGirl2935 : I don't know but I worry now I hope she okay

Hibiki: since this storm is a all night why don't we watch a movie

TigerAnimeGirl2935 : yeah! What you think Lyon ?

Lyon: I'm fine with it.

A few hours later ...

Lyon: * thinking * Miku been in there for a long time maybe I should check on her

Thunder!!! Crack boom !!!

Lyon: I'll be back.

TigerAnimeGirl2935 and Hibiki: okay .

Lyon knocks on the bathroom door

Lyon: Miku are you there ?

Lyon open the door and check where she is in the bathroom and he find Miku scary in the bathtub covering her ears

Lyon: Miku !

Love to write/ Miku: H...

Thunder!!! Boom ! !!

Lyon get in the bathtub and cuddle Miku

Love to write/ Miku: Lyon ...

Lyon: .... Don't worry I'm here

Aww right !!! Meanwhile with Hiboko making out

Hibiki: I love you.

TigerAnimeGirl2935 : I love you too .

End with a passion kiss ...

Meanwhile with Myon

Lyon kiss Miku on the lips with passion

Love to write/ Miku : Lyon...

Lyon: what?

Love to write/ Miku: I think I'm falling for you

End with a cuddle

Mirajane sneaky taking pictures of Myon and Hiboko

Mirajane: a girl can dream! Ask more questions and dares and bye !!!

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