6. Careful Ladies!

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I was right when I said the next day was going to be a war zone. News about the little fight in the diner yesterday, spread like a wildfire. No matter where I was, someone was there whispering about me. Nick and Blake were the only one's not gossiping and spreading rumors about me. After Blake had given me my bag and jacket, he walked me to my locker because I had no idea where it was even though the principal herself showed it to me yesterday. Sometimes I'm helpless. Sue me.

"So how are you holding up?" He asked, gazing down at me.

I sighed, "I've already yelled at eight people for pointing openly at me and saying hateful shit, so I guess I'm okay."

"Okay? Not wishing everyone would just drop dead by the blink of an eye?" He questioned as we rounded the corner.

"I've had it worse, this, this I'm use to... Besides, it comes with being openly gay." I shrugged my shoulders as we slowed down, reaching my locker.

I opened it, putting my unneeded books inside while Blake thought over my answer. Nick caught up with us, his head and shirt completely drenched in water and his face flushed. "Ah, not another swirly, Nick! I'm gonna go teach Chris and his idiot jock friends a lesson!" He snapped starting to storm off but Nick grabbed him by the hem of his shirt.

"No, please don't Blake! You'll end up hurt and then I'll end up getting beat up even worse! Just leave it alone!" Nick cried.

Blake looked at him, his face softening before he let out a sigh, "Fine but I swear one more swirly and I'll kill them."

I butted in, "Sorry, I'm missing something..."

Nick and Blake turned to face me, "Chris Matthew is a homophobic asshole, that torments poor Nick and all the other LGBT students at this school. The rest of the basketball team helping him out like little lost puppies." Blake spat, folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the lockers.

"Yeah I met the douchbag and his little minions yesterday, and I can understand where all this hate is coming from." I replied, going back to my locker.

After the bell rang and we left to class, I spent the remainder of the morning getting yelled at by teachers for falling asleep in class or getting talked badly about. I was dead tired from Caroline yelling at me, making me clean her stupid house and then locking me up in my room without eating! My stomach rumbling and the pain that churned around in my gut was the only thing that was keeping me awake. By the time lunch rolled around, I was first out of the door and in the cafeteria. I didn't really care how bad the food here was, I. Am. Starving!

So here I was the first person and most likely only person getting cafeteria food. Smoke was coming from inside the kitchen, it smelt like cigarettes and I was forced to hold my breath. "Excuse me?!" I yelled, before hearing some pans drop and profanities thrown around before one of them ventured out.

"What do you want, kid?" Her voice was raspy and she definitely need a few mints and a decent shower.

"Uh I'm in line for food, you know considering this is the lunch line." I raised my eye brow in question.

She just rolled her eyes, "You new here or what kid? The few that actually get lunch from here have come and gone. Trust me you don't want this food."

"But their was a long line yesterday?"

She chuckled, "Yeah it was pie day, whoever gets a pie sticker on their tray gets a slice of apple pie. It taste amazing."

I bit my lip, I really wish I checked my tray yesterday, "Just give me the best thing you have, I forgot my money and I'm starving."

She groaned but place a pizza on my tray along with a chocolate milk, "Here you go."

Love Isn't Optional (Lesbian Story) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now