8. Facing Facts: Part 2

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I brought Ariel out to my car, she seemed hesitant but in the end complied. I smiled to myself while doing an inner little victory dance. I still waited for her to get in the car, my wolf wasn't ready to let go. She'd force control if Ariel ran and it would be hard to gain control back.

I was making things awkward, I forced her to come I should be talking. Being awkward isn't even my thing, goddess this girl is changing me...

I need to think of something to talk about before I make things worse but nothing would come to mind.

"What's with the sudden act of kindness?"

I coughed, choking on my saliva, I didn't think she would start the conversation, "What do you mean?"

I could feel her glare, making me even more nervous, "I accidentally ran into you and you basically told me off while declaring my sexual perfrence. Then you stalked me to the diner, I'm pretty sure that's not the official greeting here."

I rolled my eyes but fear racked my frame, she's to smart for her own good, "I didn't follow you anywhere."

She just rose her eye brows in question, "Mmhhmm sure, you keep telling yourself that." She turned to look out the window, in deep thought.

I wanted her to trust me, to be in my life but I can't do that if I can't even have a normal conversation with her. A sigh escaped my lips as the words escaped my tounge, "I didn't mean to say that about you..."

"Story of my life." She snorted, glancing at me before realizing what she said, "I mean, it's fine, don't worry 'bout it."

My heart ached for her, she had walls to tall for me to climb. She just wanted someone to listen but she felt she couldn't trust anyone. I have to do everything in my power to tear those walls down, no matter the outcome, "Do you think... do you... I just, I'm trying.." I stuttered out, trying to find the right words but failing miserably.

"Whoa blondie, calm down and form real sentences." She joked, sending a light smile my way. My wolf howled in delight while my cheeks burned and did everything in my power to hold her back.

I took a few deep breaths to calm down before speaking again, "I just wanted to.. startoverandmaybepossiblytryandbefriends!" I rushed out, the heat on my face rising.

She smirked at me, her tone turning into a teasing one, "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that, mind repeating it."

My head clouded and my heart hit hard against my rib cage. I had to grip the steering wheel tightly just to keep calm. Come on Taylor, you got this, it's not hard, just breath... I took a few deep breaths before speaking again, "Friends okay, can we, become, you know that?" My voice shook and to say I was nervous would be an understatement.

She rolled her eyes again but game me another heart stopping smile, "Sure but why was that so hard, what happened to all the confidence you had before?"

"It's easy pretending, it's harder being truthful..." The words raced out of my mouth before I could even think.

She only smiled as if she understood what happened and changed the topic. "Nice place."

Goddess she's perfect...

"Thanks, but it's probably nothing compared to the place you're staying at." I said before realizing how rude that sounded. Ugh why am I so stupid?!

Love Isn't Optional (Lesbian Story) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now