7. Facing Facts: Part 1

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She led me all the way to her car and even though a small part of me didn't want to leave with her, a bigger part was screaming at me to just do whatever she said.

She made sure I actually got in the car, before she went ahead and got in, herself. It was as if she was making sure I wouldn't take off, she seemed willing to chase me if I did.

The air was tense around us, she seemed like she wanted to tell me something but the words couldn't find their way out. I rolled my eyes before staring at her, "What's with the sudden act of kindness?"

She choked on nothing before giving me a shocked expression, "What do you mean?"

I glared at her, "I accidentally ran into you and you basically told me off while declaring my sexual perfrence. Then you stalked me to the diner, I'm pretty sure that's not the official greeting here."

She rolled her eyes but she paled a little bit, "I didn't follow you anywhere."

I rose my eye brows in question, "Mmhhmm sure, you keep telling yourself that." I replied, before watching out the window.

I heard her sigh, "I didn't mean to say that about you..."

"Story of my life." I snorted, glancing at her, "I mean, it's fine, don't worry 'bout it."

I could feel her eyes glancing at me then to the road and then back to me before she finally spoke, "Do you think... do you... I just, I'm trying.."

"Whoa blondie, calm down and form real sentences." I smiled at her, while her face turned red and she gripped the steering wheel tightly.

She took a few deep breaths to calm down before speaking again, "I just wanted to.. startoverandmaybepossiblytryandbefriends!" She rushed out but I had to deal with Brian, who could get extremely hyper and his Hispanic genes which helped him talk faster than the speed of light. It's something you get use to.

I wasn't about to give her the benifit of the doubt though, "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that, mind repeating it."

She flushed as her knuckles turned completely white and she had to take a few deep breaths to keep her cool, well someone was nervous....

"Friends okay, can we, become, you know that?" The fear and anxiety was evident in her voice.

I rolled my eyes but ended up smiling at her, "Sure but why was that so hard, what happened to all the confidence you had before?"

"It's easy pretending, it's harder being truthful..." She whispered to herself, as she pulled up to an old yet huge home.

"Nice place." I stated as if I didn't hear anything.

"Thanks, but it's probably nothing compared to the place you're staying at." She said as we walked inside the old Victorian house, it was cosy and warm. You could basically feel the love, and warmth of the people who stayed here.

I looked at her questioning, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Ms. Vernon, the old lady from yesterday, she can burn literally a quarter million of her money and still be the richest person in Oregon." She explained, leading me into the kitchen.

Vernon... My mothers maiden name. My father and her families have always been filthy stinking rich. That's mostly why they got married, more money, more fame, more power. I decided what I should tell her; my honest opinions of the house or give a small believable lie, give a lip ripping smile and pretend my family is perfect and better then everyone else's. Exactly how they trained me to answer, to act. I felt like I could trust her though, as if something deeper than I could comprehend connected us. I swallowed my saliva before licking my way to dry lips.

Love Isn't Optional (Lesbian Story) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now