Thought Talk

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Welcome, to Madison's brain! You are a newly conceived thought, so there are many things that you must be informed of. As we walk to your new house, I'll show you around. First off, if you look to your right, you will see the worrystat. This instrument measures the amount of worry that Madison has been dwelling on in the past few seconds. Recently her worries have been escalating at an increasingly heavy rate, causing the dial to nearly reach its maximum capacity and resulting in the entire brain being on a severe worry advisory. We must caution all thoughts to stay calm as these worries continue to rise because of the potential for emotional breakdowns, cussing, etc. Up ahead you will see the subdivision called College Station. This part of Madison's brain has been working in over-drive over the past few days and is the main reason we are on a severe worry warning. It's quite a shame too. These thoughts have the potential to make Madison excited and optimistic about her future; however, they have only been resulting in Madison feeling stressed, fighting with her mother, over eating, and feeling overwhelmed. Now to your left, you will see the Meadow of Memories. This is one of our favorite areas. It's mostly full of joyful thoughts, although Madison has twisted quite a few of them into, you guessed it, worries. Let's continue... oh, here is the most important part of Madison's brain. Not every brain has one of these stations, which is the greatest tragedy of the world. As you can see, it's significantly larger than College Station and even the Meadow of Memories. Although prodigious, this section is constantly being attacked. During the War of 2012, there were so many flaming arrows from the wicked one that the entire brain almost shut down! We really hope that Madison will begin to dwell on thoughts from this station as soon as possible, as we are certain it will cause the worrystat to astronomically fall. This station is composed of three neighborhoods- Faith, Hope, and Love, but the greatest of these neighborhoods is Love. We call this area FHL, by the way.Oh, one second. Before we continue to your residency, all thoughts must stop and attend to the matter at hand. It appears that Madison's best friend, Brianna, has just sent her a Facebook message.The Reading and Comprehension thoughts are kicking into action. Brianna's message reads, "I wish I could take away your worry for you. But only God can do that. I really wish I could help more, but [He's the only one who can] work in your heart. He will do it though; I know he will. You just have to believe it and let Him! Listen to some gospel music. Read the Bible."As Madison contemplates whether to take Brianna's advice or not, the battle down in FHL is getting very intense. Finally, Madison decides to take out her journal and write, "God, I am struggling so much today." Oh, look! The Auditory Canal is sending in words from the lyrics of an unfamiliar song that is being played. My goodness, the battle is gruesome down in FHL. Look! Madison has paused from writing in her journal and has decided to listen to the lyrics of the song. Let's see what they say...In your everlasting arms, all the pieces of my lifeFrom beginning to the end, I can trust youIn your never failing love, You work everything for goodGod whatever comes my way, I will trust youAll my hopes, all my needsHeld in your handsAll my life, all of meHeld in your handsAll my fears, all my dreamsHeld in your hands"Sovereign" by Chris TomlinOh, no, Madison is crying again. But, wait! This time they aren't tears of worry but of trust! YES! Look down at PHL! The battle is over and Faith, Hope, and Love have won! The worrystat is slowly beginning to drop. Madison is now beginning to dwell on the Imagination Station thoughts in her brain. Look, she's drawing a picture. (That's extremely odd; Madison very rarely uses the Imagination Station to draw.) It appears that she is tracing around her hand onto a piece of paper. Inside of this traced hand, she is writing these words: HOPES, NEEDS, LIFE, SELF, DREAMS, and FEARS. It appears she is connecting this to the idea that God holds all of those things in His hands. Finally, she's beginning to believe the truth again!Imagination Station and PHL are partnering up. Madison is compiling a list:The same hands that "fearfully and wonderfully made" me (Psalm 139:14)The same hands that are tattooed with my name (Isaiah 49:16)The same hands that built the Grand Canyon, painted the rays of sun, orchestrated the sound of chirping birds, and designed the atomThe same hands that have holes in them from being nailed on the cross

Those are the same hands that hold all of my hopes, needs, life, self, dreams, and fears.Brianna has sent another message. Let's see what it says:"Cast all your anxieties onto God, because He cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 5:7-9"Listen to Madison's thoughts in response to this verse: "God, You are God and I am not. You are infinitely bigger than my worries, problems, dreams, and life, and I really can cast all my anxieties onto You! Some people struggle with porn, some with gossiping, some with lying, well, I think that my thing is worry, and it's just as harmful as any other besetting sin. Submitting my worries to you will be a daily commitment. Like the verse Brianna sent me says, the devil is trying to destroy me, which is one of the many reasons why I desperately need you, Jesus. I need you to take away my fears and my worries. I have so much more purpose and joy in my life when I hand this crap over to You, so I choose to trust You. I'm so sorry for trying to control my life! I'm sorry for being so wrapped up in the problems of this world and failing to look to You and your Word for direction. Thank you for leading me back to You. Now to Jesus (not me) be the dominion forever and ever. I love You! Amen."The severe worry advisory has now cleared.Oh, did you hear that? And, look! The worrystat is all the way to the bottom. Oh, I just love it when Madison chooses to trust in Jesus. It really makes our lives- and hers- so much better. OK, now onto your neighborhood. Now what did you say your name is? Let, me see your paper... first name, I-Wonder-If, last name... oh, no. Uh-uh. Nope! We don't want anything to do with you, get out of here! We've just been through a worry advisory, and we don't want to go through one again anytime soon! I'm sorry but you're going to have to evacuate the brain, Mr. I-Wonder-If He-Likes-Me. Madison, can't handle you right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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